2023-07-14 16:56:50
The Parliament Bureau heard Frédéric Janssens for long hours on 39 grievances. No decision has been communicated. The file remains very sensitive: the official’s defense accuses André Frédéric of having violated the presumption of innocence. Article reserved for subscribers Journalist at the Political Service By Eric Deffet Published on 07/14/2023 at 18:56 Reading time: 1 min
The Bureau of the Parliament of Wallonia met, as planned, this July 14 from 9 a.m., to hear Frédéric Janssens, the titular clerk of the assembly hit by a suspension measure since September 15, 2022. The senior official had was summoned for a new hearing in the context of the disciplinary proceedings once morest him.
After several hours of interview that we imagine tense, the Office did not wish to communicate. No decision seems to have been taken, such as the extension of the suspension of the person concerned, which is still in force, or a gradation in the sanctions until a possible dismissal. We are walking on eggshells: the clerks and their advisers, fine specialists in administrative law, might rush into the slightest breach in an attempt to reduce the current procedure to nothing.
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