Desire to own a house in Austria

2023-07-13 22:00:00

For many young people, however, the concept is outdated. The challenge is to reconcile house construction with sustainability and resource conservation.

The crises come and go, the wishes of Austrians remain: every second person under the age of 30 would like to build their own house and sees it as one of the major goals in life that one would like to achieve. Here, however, opinions are divided. Almost a quarter of this age group now sees property ownership as an outdated concept. This is shown by a study by Integral Market and Opinion Research.

43% want to realize their dream of building a house

Across all age groups, there are still 43 percent who have already fulfilled their dream of owning a house or intend to do so and do not want to do without it in their lives. A fifth of those surveyed find real estate ownership extremely important. Creating lasting value for yourself and your family through real estate ownership is part of a fulfilling life for many people. House construction in harmony with sustainability and resource conservation will be the challenge of the future.

Regional differences and gender preferences revealed

Unsurprisingly, 28 percent of the residents of the federal capital Vienna consider it the least important thing to build their own home. However, it is only a concern for 30 percent of Carinthian women. Building a house is the most important milestone in life in Tyrol (56 percent), followed by Burgenland (52 percent), Lower Austria (50 percent) and Vorarlberg (47 percent). At 46 percent, men pay more attention to this topic than women, at 40 percent agreement. And even in households with children, 55 percent say yes to living in mostly more space and in the countryside.

Real estate ownership through inheritance: challenges and sustainability concerns

Another 30 percent of those surveyed have already inherited a property or will inherit it. One in four of them already lives in a home with a green space of more than 130 square meters. In Burgenland, the proportion of heirs is the highest in Austria at 56 percent. However, the careful use of resources comes to the fore for a third of those surveyed. From today’s perspective, 32 percent find it irresponsible to build a house because it takes up too much land and space. This is especially true for people who live in a one-person household in the city and rent, as well as people who attach great importance to sustainability. But there is also a dichotomy at the state level. In Burgenland in particular, the skeptical group is particularly large at 42 percent.

However, almost one in five classifies property ownership as an outdated concept. A quarter of those under 30 agree with this statement, as do the same number of single households and Viennese women. This is also associated with a reduced interest in sustainable building and living.

#Desire #house #Austria



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