2023-07-13 18:30:00
Antoine Bienvault / Photo credit: REUTERS 8:30 p.m., July 13, 2023
The government has asked the 75 largest manufacturers to lower their prices quickly. And regarding forty of them have already given their agreement and will make an effort of 5 to 7% on the prices of so-called mass consumption products such as pasta, sunflower oil or yogurts in the coming days. In a Parisian supermarket, customers are already seeing a slight improvement.REPORTAGE
Arms laden with shopping bags, Mireille leaves the supermarket. Pleasant surprise at checkout: prices seem to have dropped a little. Some time earlier, the government had asked the 75 largest manufacturers to lower their prices quickly and regarding forty of them accepted. The effort should go up to 7% for consumer products. “There is a slight change, a small drop, not huge, but it’s starting. For pasta from major brands, there is a real drop in products. There is a brand, for example, which really slashes prices. And at the level of starchy foods, for sure, there is a drop”, she notes.
“It’s just an announcement effect”
The only solution to limit breakage when going to checkout: fall back on first-price products that remain the most accessible. Inflation on food products reached almost 16% in March, it fell to 13.6 in June.
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