Renaming of Avenue Louis Faidherbe to Avenue du President Macky Sall: A Historic Tribute by Dakar-Plateau City Council

2023-07-13 17:01:15

The City Council of Dakar-Plateau announces that it has decided to rename Avenue Louis Faidherbe Avenue du President Macky Sall.

”Alioune Ndoye, mayor of the commune of Dakar-Plateau informs all of his Senegalese fellow citizens and foreign guests established in Senegal that the Municipal Council (of his Commune), by deliberation adopted at its meeting of 10 July 2023, decided to rename Avenue Louis Faidherbe. It now bears the name of: Avenue president Macky Sall”, he said in a press release.

Mr. Ndoye explains that through “this step of such great historical significance, the populations of Dakar-Plateau, through their representatives, intend to show their gratitude to this illustrious statesman”.

The press release notes that the Senegalese Head of State, throughout his magisterium, has “always been able to listen attentively” to the concerns of the populations of his commune, “by supporting and accompanying in an effective, determined and decisive manner , all initiatives brought to its attention”.

”The immense work of this outstanding leader and builder, for our country, whose innumerable structuring achievements operated for the benefit of the people of Dakar, within the framework of the implementation of the major projects of the Emerging Senegal Plan, constitute only one tiny part, also justifies, in more than one way, that such a tribute is paid to him, ”underlines the text.

The Mayor of Dakar-Plateau “consequently invites his compatriots, public, semi-public and private services, companies and structures as well as all users of the said avenue, newly renamed, to draw all the legal consequences that induces this name change.

Elected President of the Republic in 2012 and re-elected in 2019, Macky Sall recently announced that he was not a candidate for a third term.




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