India Takes Public Stand Against Blasphemy: Support for Pakistan’s UN Resolution on Sweden Quran Burning

2023-07-13 02:25:00

India supports the resolution presented by Pakistan in the United Nations. India supported the resolution once morest blasphemy. The motion was once morest the Quran burning protest in Sweden. In the name of freedom of speech, India took a public stand when many Western countries were reluctant to take a stand once morest blasphemy.

The United Nations Human Rights Council passed the resolution by 28 votes to 12. Seven countries abstained from voting. The resolution, initiated by Pakistan and Palestine, was supported by African countries, India, China and Middle Eastern countries. The resolution says that actions that promote religious rivalry should be stopped and should be carried forward in brotherhood and mutuality. After the vote, Pakistani Ambassador Khalil Hashmi said that the resolution is not a ban on freedom of expression and the purpose is to maintain the balance of a diverse society.

Earlier, American representative Michelle Tyler had responded that she strongly condemns the burning of the Qur’an in Sweden. After the vote, he said that it was sad that they might not reach a consensus on the stance of preventing anti-Muslim hatred while maintaining freedom of expression.

Last week, an Iraqi Christian immigrant publicly burned the Qur’an outside a mosque in Stockholm on Eid al-Adha. He had also said that he had publicized his position on the Qur’an. After this, extreme right-wing organizations came to support him. The Swedish police have also revealed that they are receiving many requests to be allowed to protest by burning the Koran, Torah and Bible. The countries of the world, especially the Muslim countries, raised a big protest once morest the incident in Sweden. Blasphemy in the name of freedom of speech is unacceptable and Sweden has been asked to take action. But the response of the Swedish authorities was that Sweden is a country that values ​​freedom of expression, and understands that dissenting opinions can come from the community and that it will hurt some people, and that they will take measures that can be done within the law.

India supports Pakistan’s resolution at UN panel condemning Sweden Quran burning

#India #favor #Pakistan #resolution #extremely



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