Tips for coping with the heat

2023-07-12 07:51:18

Summer has arrived and with it, the risk of episodes of high temperatures and heat waves. It must be said that global warming accentuates this phenomenon with increasingly intense heat waves each year. However, they are not without risk to health, particularly in fragile people. At the beginning of summer, we take stock of the subject with explanations and some advice to deal with heat stroke!

What is a heat wave?

A heat wave is defined by the manifestation of intense and short-lived heat, or by high temperatures that last over time. We speak of a heat wave episode when very high temperatures (30 to 35 degrees) are felt both day and night for at least three consecutive days.

Ever more intense, frequent, early and long, heat waves are proof of the current global warming and are not without risk to health, particularly for frail people such as the elderly. And the danger is real: heat stroke, dehydration, cramps, headaches, dizziness, with rapid impacts on the overall state of health. Hence the importance of knowing how to recognize the warning signs while adopting the right preventive actions on a daily basis.

To know ! A heat wave information telephone platform is activated in the event of a heat wave episode to answer questions and provide information on the health recommendations to follow during periods of high heat. The number is as follows: 0 800 06 66 66 (free call from a landline in France, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.)

Read also – Heat wave: 10 tips for safe sun exposure

What are the warning signs of a heat wave?

Being exposed to high heat is not without consequences on the body and on the overall state of health.. Proof of this are the signs that the body is beginning to suffer from the heat:

Flushes of sweat when drinking a glass of water. Absence of urine for more than 5 hours or dark urine. It is then necessary to drink immediately even if one does not feel any feeling of thirst. Muscle cramps (legs, arms, stomach, etc.). Unusual tiredness, weakness or insomnia. Headaches and nausea.

If a person experiences these symptoms, immediately move them to a cool place, give them water to drink, spray them with water, ventilate them and stop all physical activity. If ever these signs worsen or last more than an hour, it will then be necessary:

Call the emergency services by dialing the number 15. While waiting for the arrival of the emergency services, refresh the person (transport them to a cool place, do as much ventilation as possible, remove their clothes) and make them drink. Read also – The threat of heat rash during a heat wave

The right things to do every day to prevent heat stroke

But there is no need to come to such situations! A few simple rules to follow on a daily basis are enough to prevent heatstroke. These tips apply to everyone, and in particular to fragile people (people over the age of 65, disabled or sick people, dependent people, pregnant women, young children, etc.) and workers exposed to heat:

Drink water regularly without waiting to feel the sensation of thirst. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water and up to 2.5 liters per day at most during periods of high heat. Cool down and wet your body (at least your face and forearms) several times a day. Equip yourself with fans or air conditioners. Keep your accommodation cool as much as possible by closing windows and shutters during the day and opening them in the evening and at night. If the accommodation cannot be kept cool, spend a few hours a day in an air-conditioned place (cinema, library, supermarket). Wear loose, lightweight, light-coloured clothing. Outside, wear a hat and sunglasses with a high protection index. Avoid outings and physical activities during the hottest hours (between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. in the event of a heat wave). Eat enough and favor light and water-rich dishes (fruits and vegetables). Avoid tobacco, alcohol, sugary or caffeinated drinks. Avoid great physical exertion.

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To know ! In case of hot weather, certain medications can prevent or interfere with the regulation of body temperature. Do not hesitate to talk about it with your attending physician. It is also important to follow the advice for storing and transporting medicines and other health products.

On the occasion of a departure on vacation, good habits are also to be taken so as not to suffer too much from the heat during the journey, which can sometimes be long:

Preferably, make the trip during the cooler hours of the day. Bring enough water and a fogger. Stop regularly to rest and refresh. Some motorway rest areas offer water fountains and misting areas. Never leave a person alone or a child in a car because the temperature can rise very quickly in the passenger compartment!

Finally, it will be necessary to carefully monitor the elderly, isolated or dependent because they are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures.. Checking in on them regularly, visiting them, encouraging them to eat and drink enough or even going shopping for them are some examples of the help we can provide them. It should be noted that there is a “heat wave register” which lists on a communal file the people wishing to be helped in the event of heat waves (people aged 65 and over, people over 60 and recognized as unfit for work , disabled adults). Confidential, this file makes it possible to locate the people most at risk. Once registered on the register, the latter will be regularly contacted by the services of their city throughout the duration of the heat wave alert, in order to ensure that they do not need help.

To know ! The heat wave register is active as soon as the level 3 heat wave plan is activated. This level corresponds to a period of intense heat (34°C on average) with nighttime temperatures remaining at high levels, i.e. above 20°C on average, for more than 3 consecutive days.

Read also – Heat wave: how to sleep well in case of high heat?

Published on June 15, 2022 by Alexia.F Dr en Pharmacie Updated by Déborah L., Dr en Pharmacie, on July 3, 2023.


– Extreme heat and heat waves: what steps can you take to protect yourself? Accessed July 3, 2023.

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