Elisa Carrió’s Transient Ischemic Attack: Diagnosis & Recovery Updates

2023-07-12 21:38:00

Esteban Fregona, medical director of the Esperanza Sanatorium, released details of the diagnosis received by the reference from the ARI Civic Coalition Elisa Carrion following having suffered a decompensation while campaigning in Santa Fe. The health professional told in statements to the portal Hope Day by Day what it was a transient ischemic attack.

“When she felt a certain symptomatology, she was assisted by the 107 Emergency Service and was transferred to this hospital where she is receiving medical attention in the Coronary Unit under observation. All the studies have been done which gave reassuring results”, specified Dr. Fregona. He noted that “Due to her good condition, it has been decided that she remain under observation and that she be transferred to be treated by her usual doctors at the Austral Hospital in Buenos Aires”.

After the doctor’s statements, the deputy of the ARI Civic Coalition Lucila Lehmann confirmed in dialogue with LN+ what “They will leave her under observation until tomorrow. They were going to move her but she didn’t want to. She will be at the Esperanza Sanatorium clinic until tomorrow.”

THE NATION He also had access to the official medical part regarding Carrió’s health chart.

“The Medical Directorate of the Esperanza Sanatorium reports on the state of health of the patient Elisa MA Carrió. The patient was admitted to our institution on July 12, 2023. presenting a picture compatible with transient ischemic deficit (cerebral)”, begins the letter.

“He is under medical observation and various studies and clinical analyzes were carried out to determine the origin and nature of his condition. At the moment, remains in the institution by his own decision and by the medical team, awaiting evolution”, details the document below

And it closes: “We are committed to keeping the media and the general public informed regarding any relevant developments in relation to the medical evolution of the patient, always respecting the established ethical and legal limits. At this time, we request understanding and respect for the privacy of the patient and her family. We appreciate the consideration and solidarity of all the media and people involved”.

Official medical report on the health of Elisa Carrió

The former deputy had been referred to the health center in the Santa Fe town of Esperanza at midday, following suffering chest pain during a field lunch at a local club. “She is lucid and can speak,” Lucila Lehmann, the candidate for deputy from Santa Fe for the CC-ARI, had told Télam.

The leader explained that she was with Carrió at a lunch in the city of Esperanza, when the leader of the political force and candidate for Parlasur “failed, felt dizzy and had muscle pain.” Given this picture, Lehmann explained, those present called the public health emergency service.

News in development

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