Residente’s Confession: Unveiling the Controversial ‘Tiraera’ with a Priest’s Blessing

2023-07-12 16:40:23

“Go in peace,” Father Javier told Residente following blessing him for a new “tiraera” or “tiradera” (it doesn’t matter) with a message that would not ordinarily be heard in a church… But this was a confession, and that’s worth it.

“Kill them all, turn them into dust, make them pass through the circles of hell, that your letters turned into fire leave Dante as if he were an asshole and that they all burn in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur so that two die times,” warned the priest.

With this closes the short film made in Madrid, Spain, and with which the rapper announces his next move. Everything indicates that he is going in the direction of Cosculluella, who already feels alluded to and as if he does not want to give up, and begins to react by minimizing Residente’s proposal:

The urban artist Coscuellula downplays the announcement of an upcoming “tiraera” by Residente towards him, to the point of suggesting that they are panas. (instagram)

In the video “Residente y El Cura”, the artist enters the church to tell something to who seems to be the father he trusts, since he immediately asks him regarding his weaknesses, such as fear of planes and diseases; Then he goes a little deeper and rebukes him regarding whether he still plans to jump from a 25th floor, which denotes a moment of darkness in the life of René Pérez, as also seen in the video “René”.

– Are you still doing these group orgies? the priest continued. I would like to, you know, but… Well, how can I help you.

Resident then begins to explain to the priest what, “well, nothing, I wrote a tiraera since October last year and they never answered me, and well nothing happened.” In this way, he reveals that his response to the strip that began in August 2022 between Cosculluela and him, has not yet had a response, at least according to what he would consider a valid response.

The priest then does not agree to say “tiraera” and remains in “tiradera” -it seems that he respects language more than his religious order-, and suddenly gives signs of a father figure advising the son.

– René, how old are you son, 50 and?

– 45

– It’s the same.

– The balls stick to your thighs already with the heat like all the old men. You are living in a childish world and you are an old man. This is a tantrum to see who has the longest dick. Virgen del Pilar give me wisdom to understand it.

The priest removes his cap and places another with the R that identifies the rapper. He then gives him the final blessing.

The official strip is announced for this Thursday under the warning: “What happens tomorrow is not my fault, it is the fault of Father Javier…[R]”.

#Resident #blessing #shoot

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