2023-07-12 02:43:21
In the coming weeks, a new national holiday would be added to the list, this following the recent approval of a project in the Congress of the Republic. And it is that, on the last day of this legislature, in a session that took place at 4:00 am on June 23, the holiday was approved with 78 votes in favor, 3 once morest and 4 abstentions.
The approved ruling establishes the “Peruvian Air Force Day and national holiday on July 23 of each year, in commemoration of the heroic sacrifice of Captain FAP José Abelardo Quiñones Gonzáles.”
Likewise, this holiday will be aimed at the public and private sectors, said labor lawyer César Puntriano. In this way, with respect to the private sector, the opinion corrects Legislative Decree 713, to add this new date to the list of paid breaks for workers subject to the labor regime of private activity.
As recalled, this legislative initiative was approved by the Plenary of Congress in 2022; however, at that time it declared July 23 as a “working holiday”. Then, in January of this year, it was observed by the Executive, for which reason it pointed out that this figure does not exist and asked Congress to define whether to declare a holiday, that is, a day in which one does not work but does obtain a payment. or seeking to declare a compensable non-business day.
In the substitute text of the opinion admitted by the Congress, it is determined that it will be a holiday and the figure of “search” is applied to the observation made by the Executive.
As is known, Congress established this year that June 7th be a national holiday, in commemoration of the Battle of Arica and Flag Day. Although this law was observed by the government of Dina Boluarte, it was promulgated at the insistence of Congress, so that holiday will apply from 2024.
Now, with respect to the new holiday of July 23 for the festival of José Abelardo Quiñones, as it can no longer be observed by the Executive, it is possible that it will be enacted prior to the date, so it would take place this year, according to José Cevasco. , former Senior Officer of Congress. “The autograph of law will be promulgated by the President of Congress. We are one month away from the new holiday. Yes, there is time for it to be promulgated before July 23, ”he said.
The holidays established by law for this 2023 are the following:
Sunday, January 1: New Year Thursday, April 6: Holy Thursday Friday, April 7: Good Friday Monday, May 1: Labor Day Thursday, June 29: Saint Peter and Saint Paul Day Friday, July 28: National Holidays Saturday, July 29: National Holidays Sunday, August 6: Battle of JunínWednesday, August 30: Santa Rosa de LimaSunday, October 8: Combat of AngamosWednesday, November 1: All Saints’ DayFriday, December 8: Immaculate Conception DaySaturday, December 9: Battle of AyacuchoMonday, December 25: Christmas
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