Blue-green algae prevent bathing pleasure in Sandl

2023-07-11 18:00:02

When it’s really hot, bathing ponds with a natural inflow and outflow often offer the desired refreshment. This also applies to the Rosenhofer pond near Sandl, which is considered an insider tip among bathing enthusiasts in the Mühlviertel.

For a few days, however, the insufficient water quality has prevented this bathing pleasure. The reason is a “blue-green algae bloom” favored by the rising water temperatures in a small area at the edge of the bank. Blue-green algae can form toxins that affect animal and human health if large quantities of water are swallowed or enter the airways. According to the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), symptoms are nausea, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, collapse or signs of paralysis. Cyanobacteria can even be deadly for dogs that lick their fur following bathing.

A microbacterial examination is intended to clarify whether blue-green algae toxins are actually present in the Rosenhof pond. The pond will remain closed until the results are available.


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