Maximize Your Chances of Obtaining Credit: Why Using a Broker is Essential for French Buyers

2023-07-11 09:00:00

The results are clear: the use of a broker is considered necessary by 80% of French people in the current situation, both to save time and to obtain a better rate and be certain of obtaining credit.

The desire to buy from the French is still there… despite the context!

Nearly a third of French people plan to buy at least one property in the next 2 years (30%) according to an IFOP survey carried out in mid-June* on behalf of the APIC association (Professional association of credit intermediaries). A figure that remains high in the current context deemed unfavorable to the purchase of real estate by 66% of French people. However, 20% of French people are planning to buy their main residence within two years, 12% a rental property and 7% a second home.

More significantly still, 43% of 25-34 year olds would like to buy a property in the short term. Good news in that “young borrowers” ​​are the most likely to use a broker…” Today, more than 40% of young people under 35 want to buy within two years, despite rates above 4%. This is explained by the fact that first-time buyers arriving on the market did not know the rates at 1% because at that time they did not yet have the desire or the ability to buy. It remains to be seen whether these intentions will be achievable in the current context. explains Julie Bachet, managing director of Vousfinancer, and member of the board of directors of Apic.

First-time buyers are also the first target clientele of credit brokers. As this Ifop survey for Apic indicates, if 28% of French people say they have used a broker when buying real estate, this figure reaches 62% among first-time buyers, 40% among 25-49 year olds.

Note: 58% of French people who have bought a property in the past 3 years have even used a broker to obtain their credit, a figure that makes it possible to estimate the recent market share of brokers.

And the French want to be accompanied by a broker for that!

In the current context marked by a rise in credit rates but also a tightening of credit granting conditions, 80% of French people believe that the help of a broker is currently necessary and even 20% that it is essential. An understandable figure given that 78% of French people consider that the conditions for obtaining credit are currently more complicated than a few years ago.

Among the French who have already used a broker, 94% think that the help of a broker is necessary. Those who have a real estate project within two years are 87% to consider brokers as essential (necessary or essential).

« It is certain that in the current situation marked by the tightening of credit granting conditions and the rise in interest rates, the role of the broker is strengthened with regard to consumers. Calling on a broker appears essential to maximize the chances of obtaining credit, even beyond the sole search for the lowest rate. comments Julie Bachet.

To obtain a lower rate, but not only!

Indeed, when the French are asked regarding the opinion they have of brokers, nearly three quarters (71%) have a good image of brokers. This is even better among those who have already used it (89%, of which 30% have a very good image of it), a sign of a satisfactory experience.

81% of French people believe that brokers allow them to save time, 79% to benefit from expert support and 71% that they are a lever for saving money. « More than ever, the role of the broker takes on its full meaning: it is both a time saver and a money saver, but also a trusted third party for the borrower whose mission is to be at his side. at all stages and to reassure him in a context that some may consider anxiety-provoking » analyse Julie Bachet.

Indeed, 69% of French people believe that brokers are “reassuring” and “trustworthy” and 66% that they are essential in the current economic context to obtain real estate financing.

*Survey carried out by the IFOP institute on behalf of the APIC association, Professional association of credit intermediaries, with a representative sample of 1,302 people aged 25 to 65, between June 13 and 20, 2023, according to the quota method (sex, age, profession of the person questioned) following stratification by region and category of agglomeration.

#essential #French #people



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