Easy and Effective Workout Tips: Breathing, Sleep, Positive Mindset, and Gut Health

2023-07-11 10:31:24

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From breathing training to changing your mindset, here are some tips to make your workouts as easy and effective as possible. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It’s hard to stay motivated and keep practicing even though you think you need to exercise. Even if you start exercising with a purpose, there are many things that people who do not exercise consistently miss. If you think you only need to warm up before a full-scale workout, you are mistaken. Do you know that there are habits that increase the effect of exercise?

From breathing training to changing your mindset, the UK’s ‘Daily Mail’ introduced small tips that can make exercise even a little easier and more efficient.

breathing right

It is important to breathe properly when running or doing yoga. However, training your lungs with proper breathing can also help you feel more at ease when exercising.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona in the United States and published in the international journal ‘Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology’ showed how high-resistance breathing training affects the endurance of the respiratory system. Participants trained their diaphragm for 5 minutes daily for 6 weeks using a device called the PowerBreathe. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle located below the lungs that helps in breathing. At the end of the experiment following six weeks, the participants’ breathing power increased by 59%.

Study author Fiona Bailey, an expert in physiology at the University of Arizona, explained that a stronger diaphragm helps increase oxygen levels, which can help improve endurance during exercise. You don’t necessarily need any special equipment. Similar results can be obtained with 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, such as running, every 3 to 4 days for 3 months.

sleep well the day before

A good night’s sleep can also help keep you motivated to exercise. The Korean Sleep Society says that it is good to sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day to maintain daily life well, and if sleep is less than this, fatigue, concentration and exercise ability may decrease.

When it comes to exercise, says physiologist and sleep expert Dr. Nerina Ramlakan, getting enough sleep gives your muscles enough time to recover between workouts and gives you the energy to start over. He explained that it was also a job.

According to Dr. Ramlakan, “sleep is essential for muscle growth, healing, and recovery.” During deep sleep, growth hormone is produced that enables the recovery process that is essential when exercising regularly. Depending on the length and intensity of exercise, you need between 7 and 10 hours of sleep per night.

Also, a good night’s sleep and exercise are in a virtuous cycle. This is because moderate exercise helps you sleep better. According to a 2016 report by the British Royal Society of Public Health, not getting enough sleep can affect the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger and appetite, and cause you to eat more.

think positive

You may feel bad for not finishing your workout as planned for today. However, these negative thoughts are one of the factors that make it difficult to exercise. Research shows that thinking more positively regarding your health and body can actually help you lose weight.

Dr. Alicia Crum, who leads the ‘mind and body lab’ at Stanford University, said we overlook the power of the mind when it comes to exercise planning. In 2007, Dr. Crum conducted her study with female employees who worked in hotel room management. Before starting the study, they thought their usual physical activity was very low. However, following the researchers pointed out that activities such as cleaning and lifting can also be considered exercise, the participants’ body fat began to decrease. This happened even though nothing changed in my life or routine, only my mindset changed.

It’s good news for anyone who finds going to the gym intimidating that even trivial actions like vacuuming or emptying the trash can become a workout. Even small activities like climbing stairs can make up a part of your weekly exercise goal.

Keeping Your Gut Healthy

Experts say that the secret to a strong stomach actually lies in the intestines. According to a study published in Nature Medicine in 2019 by researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center in the US, stool samples from marathon runners had higher levels of a bacterium called bayonella than other runners. It was in numbers. The levels were also particularly high in stool samples collected following the game. Bayonella converts lactic acid, which builds up and causes stiffness during strenuous exercise, into propionate, a short-chain fatty acid that boosts energy. It is well known that yogurt or other fiber-rich foods are good for gut health.

#Sleep #grow #muscles #tips #workout #effective



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