2023-07-11 09:20:37
Date 7/11/2023 4:24:48 AM (MENAFN- Youm7) So far, Asus has been the leader in the foldable screen laptop, with its Zenbook Fold, but a new report claims it’s set to get some serious competition in the market. The future. According to a report from Korea, apple is working on a laptop with a foldable screen, and it seems that the company is in talks with suppliers to launch a MacBook with a foldable screen. This device will stimulate the now sluggish display market, if it pays off. According to the Indian GSM website, It will be released in 2026, following being revealed in 2025. Korean display makers like Samsung Display and LG Display have been investing a lot in OLED panels for laptops recently, now that the smartphone market is pretty saturated, and the two companies are currently working on “ Coordinating development and production plans for foldable OLED panels for laptops” as the emerging market for them grows. An order from Apple is sure to make a big splash in this still small market, and according to the source of the report, larger display sizes are bound to be profitable for panel makers, Although it is difficult to achieve a large pixel density as it increases in size, however, foldable displays for laptops are more profitable than foldable screens for smartphones, so this will obviously be a great opportunity for display makers to earn some extra money in the near future. MENAFN11072023000132011024ID1106582878 Legal Disclaimer: Middle East and North Africa Financial Services Network provides the information “as is” without any representations or warranties…whether express or implied. This is a disclaimer of our responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of the sites Attached within our network including photos and videos. For any inquiries regarding the use and reuse of this information resource please contact the above mentioned article provider.
#Report #Apple #developing #foldable #laptop