Debate Duel: Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri Clash Over the Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline

2023-07-11 03:40:00

The inauguration of the first section of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline It was the scenario they used this Monday Cristina Kirchner y Mauricio Macri to fight a duel with data exchange -with opposing versions- but also with Chicanas. The leader of the Pro had questioned on Sunday, following the official act, the energy policy and the total cost of the gas pipeline. The vice president started with a first text in which she called Macri a liar and appealed to the ex-president’s mother: “Now it is understood why the mother punished him for lying,” he wrote.

The allusion to Alicia Blanco Villegas came from part of a report that the ex-president’s mother had given to Noticias Magazine in February 2019, in which she also referred to various family issues.

Macri’s reaction did not take long. He wrote, also in Twitter: “Nor mess with my mother, who was a good mother “. The former president also resorted to the data and the statements, and fired: “Why were we going to build the gas pipelines if they didn’t leave us gas to transport?” Cristina Kirchner responded with comparative data between one administration and the other. At times, it seemed like a never-ending saga.

With the two out of the race for the positions for this 2023, but not out of political prominence, Cristina and Macri got into the ring and displaced the presidential candidates from the public discussion for a long time.

The vice president picked up the glove once more and fired: “Really, engineer?” “That said, you are a very liar, engineer”. Cristina Kirchner refuted in her words the argument of the lack of gas. “Remember that not only did we increase gas transportation by 26 million m3/day in the 12 and a half years of our governments, but also, in February 2016, just beginning his mandate, 5 million m3 entered the network /day generated by the Vega Pleyade deposit in Tierra del Fuego produced by the French company Total”.

The head of the Senate recalled that the company had announced the investment “of 1,000 million dollars in that deposit in 2013, during my second government.” And she added: “What’s more… Do you know why Total made that investment? Because before, in my first government, we built the second gas pipeline that crossed the Strait of Magellan. There were 36KM of 24-inch pipes between Cabo Espiritu Santo in Tierra del Fuego to Cabo Vírgenes in Santa Cruz that began operations in 2010 and, added to the first crossing of the Strait, increased the transport capacity from Tierra del Fuego from 11 to 18 million m3/day”.

In a virtual fight that seemed to have no end, Cristina Kirchner attacked Macri several times in a text that was longer than usual on her official account on the social network. First, because of her electoral performance and then, by insisting on the judicial proscription. “Speaking of disastrous governments… I remind you that the only president who stood for re-election and lost it, was you an engineer. On the other hand, Néstor Kirchner, who might have been re-elected by a vast majority, decided not to run for re-election. As for me, I remind you that not only was I the first woman elected president, but I was also re-elected by 55% of the votes. And if now I might not present myself as a candidate, it was because the prosecutors and judges who play soccer in their private villa banned me, ”he noted.

“I also remind you that in his unsuccessful re-election attempt he took as a running mate whoever was the President of our Block of Senators during the three governments… They should not have been so disastrous… No engineer?”, he concluded, alluding to Miguel Pichetto .

Agustín Rossi, Sergio Massa, Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner, at the inauguration of the Néstor Kirchner gas pipelineCaptureLA NACIONMeet The Trust Project
#Cristina #Kirchner #Mauricio #Macri #crossed #paths #gas #pipeline #chicanes #unusual #hardness



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