Health and environment: France confirms its commitment to WHO at the 7th Ministerial Conference on Health and the Environment

2023-07-10 13:38:33

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, participated in the 7th Ministerial Conference on Health and the Environment, organized by the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization Health (WHO) in Budapest from July 5 to 7, 2023. On this occasion, she recalled France’s commitments in favor of health and the environment, both nationally and in connection with major international meetings. organized by WHO and the United Nations.

Despite the progress made over the past 30 years, through the establishment of Low Emission Zones, improving the management of diseases through knowledge of pollutants and the risks of decompensation, improving prevention, the reduction of emissions in the sectors of industry, transport, agriculture, more than 1.4 million deaths recorded annually in the European region are still attributable to environmental risk factors, first and foremost pollution of the air.

France confirms its commitment by signing the Budapest Declaration

20 years following the first Budapest declaration which marked the launch of the European Environment and Health process of WHO/Europe, this 7th conference aimed to assess, at the midpoint of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , the progress made and the challenges encountered in the area of ​​health and the environment.

At the end of the conference, the mobilization of the Member States resulted in the signing of a new Budapest Declaration, discussed and negotiated upstream by all the Member States of the region. They thus undertake to accelerate action in the following areas:

taking into account the consequences of climate change, environmental pollution, soil degradation and loss of biodiversity on human, animal and plant health; the recovery of post-Covid-19 pandemic health systems, by promoting a sustainable ecological and energy transition.

Involved in the discussions on this text, France is one of the European states most committed to the health-environment link. Since 2004, it has drawn up a national health and environment plan (PNSE) every five years, which has enabled significant progress to be made in reducing the impact of climate change on health, better consideration of the health-environment link at all levels of the territory, and the development of structured research programs.

The multisectoral “One Health / Une Seul Santé” approach is also a key principle of its national health strategy and its new global health strategy.

During the high-level panels in which she participated, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo said:

“France must play a key role in promoting the “One Health” vision on an international scale. For this, it is committed through an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to facilitate the transition of its health system. Adaptation is essential to deal with current and future challenges, including climate change and emerging diseases. France is thus collaborating with other countries to promote global cooperation and implement effective adaptation strategies for sustainable health. »

French commitment to several international health and environment initiatives

During her trip to Budapest, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo notably spoke during a bilateral meeting with Dr Maria Neira, Director of the Health and Environment Department of the WHO. On this occasion, she confirmed France’s support for several international initiatives linking health and the environment:

Membership of the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH)

Launched at COP26 in Glasgow, this initiative – an informal voluntary network bringing together governmental and non-governmental actors – aims to encourage countries to make commitments to put in place sustainable health systems that are both climate-resilient and low-emissions. carbon.

Agnès Firmin le Bodo thus confirmed France’s formal support for the ATACH initiative since March 2023, alongside the 63 countries that have joined the Alliance. At the international level, France promotes these issues within the international forums on which it sits (G7, G20, WHO, COP). At the national level, the first Ecological Planning Steering Committee for the health system, which was held on May 22, 2023, unveiled a roadmap for the health and medico-social sector around 7 priority action areas [1].

Participation in the day dedicated to Health during COP 28

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo confirmed that the Ministry of Health and Prevention will respond positively to the WHO’s invitation to participate in the day dedicated to Health at the next COP 28 in Dubai, in December 2023. will be a key moment to make visible the issues related to the health impacts of climate change, and to analyze the progress made, in particular through indicators, since the Paris Agreement in 2015 during COP21, as well as the path remaining to go.

Participation in the World Conference on Air Pollution and Health

The WHO is organizing the second edition of this conference in October 2024. Agnès Firmin Le Bodo has confirmed that France will be present at this meeting, and stands ready to support efforts to combat one of the main causes of deaths worldwide. At the national level, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo relaunched in June 2023, with Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the National Air Council, the first body for consultation and proposals to fight once morest pollution and improve air quality.

Landmarks: the Ministerial Conferences on Health and the Environment sponsored by WHO/Europe

Aware of the undeniable link between environment and health, and strong in its central role in health, the European region for the WHO has been leading the European environment and health process since 2004, and organizes this conference in this context, every five years, with the aim of obtaining a commitment to act from the ministers in charge of health and the environment of the 53 countries of the WHO Euro region. It also gives a large role to all stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, manufacturers, health professionals, health agencies and the European Commission.

The First Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health was held in Frankfurt (Germany) in 1989. Subsequent conferences were held in Helsinki (Finland) in 1994; in London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) in 1999; in Budapest (Hungary) in 2004; in Parma (Italy) in 2010; and in Ostrava (Czechia) in 2017.

[1] Building and energy control; Sustainable purchases; Eco-responsible care; Sector waste; Training and research in ecological transformation; Sustainable mobility; Environmental impact of digital

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