Inspector Sandro Abraldes/Dr. Hannibal Lotocki: Case Nº 50949/2015 and the Hazards of Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery

2023-07-10 23:39:17

Inspector Sandro Abraldes/Dr. Hannibal Lotocki

Attorney General Sandro Abraldes; Hannibal Lotocki

The judicial official asks the Justice to issue in the case Nº 50949/2015 regarding the claim made by the complainant Pamela Estefania Sosa and ex-partner of the “celebrity surgeon”

Fragment of the request of the Attorney General Sandro Araldes

“latent danger”

Besides, Sandro Abraldes Alert the appellate judges due to the situation that is generated by the controversial doctor continuing to practice the profession. This General Prosecutor’s Office “understands that the precautionary measure in question… is appropriate and deserves to be decreed immediately by the Judges of the Chamber, in attention to the latent danger that hangs over the health of those who until the day of Today they continue to undergo interventions by doctor Lotocki”.

Dr. Aníbal Lotocki and his then partner Pamela Sosa

The magistrate highlighted in his presentation that “It should be emphasized that public health as a community value is immanent to society, and that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has the duty to promote the defense of the general interests of society (art. 1 of Organic Law No. 27148)”.

highlighting that “the presumption of correctness that every judicial sentence enjoys authorizes the issuance of the requested precautionary measure” with the objective of “neutralize the potential risk that derives from the practice of medicine -in general-, and cosmetic surgery -in particular-, since Lotocki is under a conviction -not firm- founded precisely on the breach of numerous duties inherent to his professional performance”.

With your order, Abraldes try “to prevent the defendant’s current patients from being surprised in their good faith while the different judicial instances are devoted to the treatment of the final resolution of the matter.”


In February 2022, the judge Carlos Rengel Miratmember of the Criminal and Correctional Oral Court No. 28– sentenced Hannibal Lotocki a four years in prison and disqualified him from practicing medicine for five yearsconsidering him responsible for the serious injuries suffered by four of his patients following having performed different surgical procedures on them.

The surgeon was considered responsible for the crime of “repeated serious injuries on four occasions” regarding your patients Gabriela Trenchi, Silvina Luna, Stefania Xipolitakis y Pamela Sosa. In his closing argument, the prosecutor Sandro Abraldes he had requested seven years and nine months in prison.

Furthermore, the call “celebrity surgeon”is being investigated for the death of the businessman Rodolfo Cristian Zarate, who died in April 2021, during the surgical intervention performed by the doctor. For this cause he might have a sentence of between 8 and 25 years in prison.

#Attorney #General #requests #disqualification #Aníbal #Lotocki #practicing #medicine



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