The benefits and risks of tanning in the summer sun

2023-07-10 13:30:52

The Sun tanning is a common summer activity for many people it is important to understand the benefits and risks associated with this activity.

The benefits of tanning

The sun is a natural source of vitamin Dwhich is important for healthy bones and the immune system, it is essential that the body receives enough vitamin D so that calcium can be well absorbed and for bone density to be maintained.

Tanning can also help relieve the symptoms of certain skin diseases, such as psoriasis, which can be very uncomfortable, UVB rays emitted by the soleil have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, which can help reduce inflammation and itching associated with psoriasis.

Note that sun exposure should be moderate and the use of sunscreen is essential to prevent damage from harmful UV rays, remember that excessive sun exposure can lead to sunburn, premature aging of the skin and even an increased risk of skin cancer.

Enjoy the sun responsibly by avoiding the hottest hours of the day and wearing protective clothing, in addition to consulting a doctor if you have any concerns regarding sun exposure or the use of sunscreen products. sunscreen.

The risks of tanning

Take into account the risks linked to excessive sun exposure, although we all appreciate the benefits of the sun, we must not forget that sunburn can cause damage to the skin, thus increasing the risk of developing skin cancer, prolonged exposure to the sun can accelerate the aging of the skin, which can cause rides and age spots.

It is therefore essential to take care of your skin when you are exposed to the sun. For this, it is recommended to regularly apply sunscreen with a high protection factor and to wear protective clothing such as hats and long-sleeved shirts.

Opt for clothing specially designed to protect once morest UV rays.

Limiting your direct exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day is also an important measure to reduce your health risks, planning your outdoor activities early in the morning or at the end of the day when the sun is less intense.

By taking the necessary steps to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, you can enjoy the benefits of the sun while reducing your health risks.

How to enjoy the sun safely

In order to maximize the benefits of the sun while effectively protecting your health, it is recommended to take adequate protection measures, although the use of sunscreen with a high protection factor is a key element of sun protection, it is also important to cover the most vulnerable areas of your body with protective clothing such as hats, sunglasses and long clothing.

It is advisable to choose a sunscreen that suits your skin type and renew it every two hours, especially if you are in the water or if you sweat a lot, the use of physical sunscreens, which reflect the sun rays rather than absorbing them can be beneficial.

Remember that prolonged exposure to the sun can have adverse health consequences, including the risk of developing skin cancer, for this reason it is recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun during the hottest hours. of the day, i.e. between 11 hours and 16 hours, and seek shady places to rest and cool off.

In addition to these physical protective measures, maintain a healthy and balanced diet to support the health of your skin and your body, foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help protect your skin from damage. by UV rays.

A hydration adequate is essential to prevent dehydration, which can be a side effect of prolonged exposure to the sun, drink enough water and other hydrating beverages to maintain a healthy fluid balance.

There are many other measures you can take to effectively protect yourself from the sun, including the use of umbrellas, foggers or clothing specially designed to protect once morest UV rays.

To take full advantage of the benefits of the sun while preserving your health, it is important to take adequate protection measures, maintain a healthy and balanced diet, be sufficiently hydrated and rest regularly in the sun.‘ombreremember that sun protection is crucial for your well-being and there are many options to help you stay safe while enjoying the pleasures of the outdoors.‘summer.

#benefits #risks #tanning #summer #sun



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