The Hidden Facts About the Vulva: Exploring Numbers and Myths

2023-07-10 13:05:04

In numbers

84% 13-year-old girls don’t know how to draw their vulva, while half of them know how to draw a penis.

2/3 women do not have an orgasm by vaginal penetration alone, but also by stimulating their clitoris at the vulvar level.

+10000 The number of nerve endings of the glans of the clitoris (its visible outer part).

45% of women only say they find their sex “beautiful and desirable”.

External part of the genitals

The vulva has the same functions as its male counterpart, the penis, namely sexuality and the evacuation of urine. Divided in two by a median slit, it designates all the external genital organs of women and people with a vulva: the internal and external lips, which surround the urinary meatus, the visible part of the clitoris, as well as the orifice vaginal. At the level of the vulva flow urine, menstrual blood and vaginal secretions.

A lifelong evolution

Pubic hair appears during puberty, when the inner lips may change shape or color. Due to venous congestion and certain hormones, the vulva becomes darker during pregnancy and may increase in size. After menopause, her skin may become drier and paler or thinner. The vulva also changes under the effect of sexual arousal: in addition to being lubricated, the labia and clitoris become engorged with blood.

Organ as diverse as it is unknown

There is a wide variety of vulva shapes and colors. Many people are unaware of the appearance of this part of the body. Sociocultural factors act in this misunderstanding, in connection with shame and taboos. Vulvar mutilation such as female circumcision affects around 200 million people worldwide.

Itching and pain

Among the most common pathologies of the vulva, we can mention fungal infections or infections, some of which are sexually transmitted. Symptoms are itching or burning. Treatments range from antifungals to antibiotics to cures for lactobacilli, bacteria naturally present in the vagina and capable of inhibiting most pathogenic germs. Vulvodynia is chronic pain localized to part or all of the vulva, with no apparent cause. Local painkillers, physiotherapy of the perineum and psychocorporal therapies can be prescribed.

Rather rare cancers

Vulvar cancers affect approximately 0.3% of women. They are more frequent following the age of 65 and linked to human papillomavirus or vulvar lichen sclerosis, an inflammatory dermatological condition. Essentially treated by surgery, their evolution is slow.

Avoid excessive hygiene

The health of the vulva is linked, among other things, to sex hormones and the balance of its microbiome. It is a question of taking care not to break it by excesses of hygiene. These may be linked to socio-cultural beliefs aimed at banishing secretions and odors. Cleaning once a day with water is sufficient.


#vulva #Planete #sante



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