I Was Born Jewish, Lucy Is Arab: The Shared Identity and Love of Israeli Actor Tzahi Halevi and Lucy Aharish

2023-07-09 20:21:14

“I was born Jewish, Lucy is Arab, but we are first and foremost Israelis and there is only one God above our heads”

His memories of “Fauda”, his projects, his fears for Israel and his love for Lucy Aharish: Israeli actor and singer Tzahi Halevi confided in Valérie Abécassis in a long interview for Culture magazine.

If “Fauda” already seems far away and today he holds one of the leading roles in “HaShotrim” (The police), another successful series, Tzahi Halevi will never deny the role that made him known at the level international.”Fauda was a sublime experience for all its actors. Being part of a well-written series like this and playing a strong role in it is a gift for an actor,” he says in French, a language that this polyglot masters very well.

Asked regarding the reasons for the success of “virile” series in Israel, presenting archetypes of very strong male heroes, sometimes bordering on machismo, the actor claims to see more nuances than that. “The success of this kind of series is surely due to the very harsh Israeli reality, marked by war and terrorism. But this kind of heroes are often much more complex, as we can see in “Fauda” for example. also sees these men in all their fragility and contradictions,” he notes.

Invited to comment on the political and social situation in Israel once morest a backdrop of demonstrations once morest judicial reform in which he has already taken part, the actor concedes that his fellow artists are quite hesitant when it comes to taking a position on the subject. “Each actor or singer makes his own calculations, because it is not always easy to express his opinions publicly. It is to take the risk of possibly being labeled or rejected by part of the public”, he believes. .

i24newsLucy Aharish lights one of the torches for the 67th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel

The 48-year-old artist then spoke at length regarding his mixed marriage with Arab-Israeli presenter Lucy Aharish, which had caused a lot of ink to flow in the country. He explains that if certain critical voices are still heard, things have calmed down significantly around the couple, now parents of a two-year-old boy.

“Lucy and I are having an incredible experience as parents. We are not victims. We are simply living our lives and our love. The majority of those around us support us. Our mutual families spend a lot of time together and we celebrate in turn Jewish and Muslim holidays. We still sometimes hear things that hurt us, but taking them to heart is useless, “he says.

Asked whether the periods of security tensions and attacks do not create tensions within the family, Herzi Halevi assures that there is a very healthy and constant dialogue in his home around these subjects. “Personally, I am once morest all generalizations, I think there is good and bad on each side. And unfortunately, our lives are ruled by the action and the will of extremists, who are however only a minority,” he said.

He also regrets the identity tensions, fueled according to him by politicians. “Emphasizing the identity factor serves their interests,” he says. “We should be able to say ‘Israelis’ and that only consideration takes precedence, but instead we talk regarding Jews, Arabs etc. I was born Jewish, Lucy is Arab, but we are first and foremost Israelis and if I make no mistake, there is only one God above our heads…”

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