NEOS: Government must not oversleep the summer

2023-07-09 14:07:04

Loacker: “Inflation in Austria is well above the EU level – and the Minister of Finance puts it nicely.”

Vienna (OTS) – “In Austria, inflation is almost 8%, well above the EU average. The desired European target value of 2.5% is not even visible on the horizon. And the Minister of Finance talks these numbers nicely. When do the ÖVP and the Greens intend to do something regarding it? After all, they fueled the prices with their watering can policy,” says NEOS business spokesman Gerald Loacker regarding the Finance Minister’s statements in today’s press hour.

There is definitely room for maneuver, says Loacker. “The government should have put the brakes on the energy suppliers long ago. She might have turned the tide herself and relieved the burden on the people,” says Loacker. “And we need to lower taxes on wages and labor. So that people have more net from the gross and at the end of the month they have more air to breathe.” Due to the persistently high inflation, difficult wage negotiations would await in the autumn: “In order to relieve this pressure, the government must reduce non-wage labor costs. If she stays idle and sleeps through the summer, there will be a rude awakening in the fall,” concludes Loacker.

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