Examining Macky Sall’s Broken Promises and Code of Honor: The Truth Behind Senegal’s 3rd Term Controversy

2023-07-09 13:14:00

Anyone who was alive, endowed with the sense of hearing and / or sight during the campaign for the 2016 referendum, and until the presidential elections of 2019, anyone who witnessed what was said and written during this period, but who would emit following that the slightest doubt on the illegality of this 3rd term would only be a pure dishonest person bathed in hypocrisy, or a mercenary responsible for spreading this doubt.

To justify his decision, Macky Sall invoked a “code of honor” which would have forced him to respect a given promise. It’s a real joke. We would have tried to believe him if he had not also declared in the same speech that he still had the right to this 3rd term under the constitution, but that he waived it out of a simple desire to respect others. a promise, out of respect for a “code of honour”. Well then !!.

How under the same text a 3rd term that he knew, said and repeated from 2011 to 2019 totally illegal in Senegal, would suddenly be legal for him alone? Mr. Sall, you completely messed up your speech and spoiled everything. This supposed “code of honor” has absolutely nothing to do with what is nothing but an abdication that was forced by the determination of a tired people and that of the main opposition party. , the Pastef, to see you clear the floor, you and your clan of unpunished gravediggers who lose nothing by waiting.

Speaking of this so-called honor code:

1° Where was this code of honor when you replied with “Neither yes nor no” to the question of the journalists on your intentions to run for a 3rd term, whereas a few months earlier it was a firm and uncompromising NO because unconstitutional?

2° Where was this code of honor when you took refuge behind an opinion of the Constitutional Council to bury your promise repeated so often in the 4 corners of the globe to reduce your mandate from 7 to 5 years?

3° Where was this code of honor when you appointed your brother Aliou Sall to the CDC, burying your promise never to sign a decree of appointment for him?

4° Where was this code of honor when you composed governments of 40 ministers, burying your promise to reduce the size to 25?

5° Where was this code of honor when you put all your family, your in-laws, your party, your allies, your friends, in the nooks and crannies of the fatherland, spitting on your promise to put the fatherland before the party .

6 ° Where was this code of honor when you invited to your table and in your government the economic offenders pinned down by the CREI, when you asked the prosecutor Alioune Ndao to leave Abdoulaye Baldé alone, burying your promise of a reissue of the accounts for previous managers of public funds?

7° Where was this code of honor when the control bodies saw their actions hampered, their reports ending up in the trash one following the other, your brother-in-law Mansour Faye qualifying them as politicians, your friend Cheikh Oumar Hann qualifying them as opponents, your friend Moustapha Diop insulting them and throwing them out, burying your promise to return to the verification and control bodies of the State the fullness of their attributions?

8° Where was this code of honor when all the Ministers, DG, PCA, ….., loot, re-loot in the open, and with impunity the meager resources of the 17 million citizens, burying your promise of virtuous management , a cleaning up of the business environment and a fight once morest corruption and misappropriation?

9° Where was this code of honor when you declared that you put your elbow on legal files, when you asked Nafi Ngom Keita to leave Mamadou Badio Camara alone for his declaration of assets, postponing indefinitely your commitment not to protect anyone?

10° Where was this code of honor when in Kaffrine you invited your clan to seek out the transhumance by all means, when you defended the freedom of treason of these transhumant, while a few years before you described transhumance as a cancer of the policy ?

11° Where was this code of honor when your magistrates put 7 journalists in prison, some of whom are still there, burying the promise that you your magisterium never a journalist will be put in prison?

12 ° Where was this code of honor these last 3 years when young unarmed demonstrators were repressed with blood (regarding sixty died) by the FDS and Militias in possession of weapons of war with real ammunition, bars of iron, of cut-cut, burying your promise to respect the freedoms of demonstration and to protect the citizens?

13° Where was this code of honor these last 3 years when the investigations to determine the authors and the sponsors of the murders of these tens of unarmed young demonstrators were buried them one following the other, burying with your promise to guarantee the independence of the justice and that of not protecting anyone?

14° Where was this code of honor when your administration jailed hundreds of innocent citizens for expressing mere opinions that displeased you or your family, spitting on your promise to guarantee freedom of expression and preserve democracy ?

15 ° Where was this code of honor when you observed the local private companies fought by your administration which made them fall into bankruptcy one following the other, which sent thousands of fathers of families out of work, burying your promise to strengthen this sector private sector, to reduce unemployment and create 1.5 million jobs?

16° Where was this code of honor when you suspended Internet access and social networks, burying your promise to guarantee freedom of expression for all?

17° Where was this code of honor when a whole city like Casamance undergoes before your eyes a blockade like that suffered by the Gaza Strip, trampling on your promise of a Senegal of all and for all.

18° Where was this code of honor when you listened without flinching to your friends and the members of your coalition regularly calling for genocide or crimes once morest humanity, spitting on your promise of a Senegal of peace and social stability?

19 ° Where was this code of honor when you flew out of the country with Ousmane Ngom or with Cheikh Yerim Seck on whom there were bans on leaving the territory, applying to the client’s head your promise to ensure the execution of decisions of righteousness?

20° Where was this code of honor when you encouraged the judiciary to blithely violate and still violate the most basic rights of the citizen who seems the most popular in Senegal, Ousmane Sonko, burying your promise to strengthen equality between citizens in front of the law ?

21 ° Where was this code of honor when you instructed the mayors of your coalition to organize themselves and other citizens the face-to-face with supposed external forces, when you know that this is the role? of the defense forces, thus spitting on your promise to guarantee the rule of law?

22° Where was this code of honor when you received at the Palace of the Republic a pathetic thief of lists such as this Djibril Ngom, throwing away your promise to restore the institutions to their respectability?

We can identify dozens of other facts, other acts following which we can wonder where was this famous code of honor that you invoke today to justify your retreat

We have searched through your hundreds of promises issued from 2010 to the present day, but we cannot find a single one, but sincerely not a single one that has been respected, if only for the sake of obeying a code of ‘honor. Whoever finds one just has to say so.

Those who maintain that one does not congratulate a tyrant who has been forced to abdicate are absolutely not wrong. If during your speech you had at least maintained what you have always said and repeated everywhere from 2015 to 2019 on the limitation of his mandates to two including the mandate of 7 years because a mandate is a mandate, and that the limitation of the number of mandates already dated back to the 2001 constitution, we might have thought that it was a code of honor that decided you this time. Mr. outgoing president, you do not deserve our congratulations at all, nor the big door.

We still hope that from now on, a code of honor will guide you to avoid dragging Senegal into a new bloodbath by persisting in preventing hundreds of thousands, even millions of Senegalese from freely choosing in the next presidential elections the candidate whose determination you seem to fear so much, whose chances of winning these elections you seem convinced, but who would have promised a reissue of the accounts without complacency, unlike the moribund old guard of gravediggers who had locked themselves in a simulacrum of dialogue intended in reality to try to extinguish together the steamroller that Ousmane Sonko will represent in February 2024.

Mail : marvel@hotmail.fr

#code #honor #Marvel #Ndoye



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