Wage portage, a solution for artificial intelligence professionals?

2023-07-06 22:19:50

As the sector is booming, it is not uncommon for artificial intelligence professionals choose to practice their profession independently. They do not join any company and therefore do not sign any employment contract. However, they may also occasionally work for a particular company, providing consulting services for example. How to clarify this somewhat confusing professional situation? Quite simply by going through a wage portage company.

What is a wage portage contract?

A wage portage contract is concluded between three parties: an independent consultant, a wage portage company and a client company. It brings clear benefits for all three parties. For artificial intelligence professionals who decide to use it, it allows them to maintain their freedom of work while benefiting, for a given time, from the advantages guaranteed by the Labor Code to traditional employees.

Such a procedure allows the self-employed worker to become the employee of the portage company for a time. The latter also signs contracts with companies interested in the skills of the independent. This can be a practical solution for freelancers who wish to work for a given time in a certain field, or benefit from strong guarantees for a limited period. Let’s examine now certain elements of the wage portage contract offered to artificial intelligence professionals by companies like ABCPortage.

The elements of the porting contract that interest artificial intelligence professionals

The wage portage employment contract is essential to formalize the relationship between the professional artificial intelligence consultant and the umbrella company. It is compulsory when the consultant works at least 8 hours per week and for more than one year. The information included is similar to that of traditional employment contracts, such as the identity of the parties, the date of hiring, the length of the probationary period, the duration of the contract, the treatment of paid leave, the time of work and terms of remuneration.

In the context of wage portage, additional information is required, in particular the duration of the service, the consultant’s field of activity, the terms and conditions of the mission. It’s a solution so that the freelancer retains his freedom in the choice of his hours, the means used and the place of work. The wage portage employment contract can be for a fixed term or for an indefinite period. Changes in working conditions require an amendment to the contract.

Breaking a portage contract

However, any AI professional, whether they’re doing a consulting job explaining the impact of technology trends on healthcare or training people to the use of artificial intelligence in graphic design, may want to terminate a wage portage contract. He can first do it before the end of his trial period by giving 24 or 48 hours notice depending on his seniority.

But he will then not benefit from any unemployment benefit. This is also the case if the consultant chooses to resign while respecting the three-month notice provided for in this context. On the other hand, contractual termination is often accepted by the carrier company when the employee no longer has a mission. Here, the consultant can benefit from unemployment benefits following approval from the administration.

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