2023-07-08 14:17:36
Yaroslav Grigoriev
42 minutes ago
Viktor Drobysh Shanti was taken to the hospital following she hit her head on a hill. The mother of the baby admits that her life has become a real hell.
The one-year-old granddaughter of composer Viktor Drobysh was urgently taken to intensive care following falling from a hill. The girl hurt her head. The mother of the baby, 35-year-old Alexandra Gurkova, spoke regarding what happened in her microblog on the Instagram platform banned in the Russian Federation. According to the singer, for three days her family lived in real hell, not knowing if Shanti would get out. Fortunately, her condition has now been stabilized.
“This bandit broke her head in the truest sense of the word, and I will plunge into a three-day hell of resuscitation, anesthesia, terrible forecasts and terrible stress. In the end, we got lucky. Another ambush for me was that my husband was not in the country. And I did not sleep for 35 hours, shaking Shan in my arms and solving all the issues. On the last day, our dad, having overcome 1200 km behind the wheel, stayed to spend the night with her himself, ”said the performer.
Recall that the daughter-in-law of Drobysh, who went to war on the NTV channel, is raising four children. In her opinion, mothers do not need to be afraid to ask, stand their ground, take care of themselves. Previously, according to Gurkova, she often forgot regarding herself for the sake of the rules and the desire to build a “traditional family”, but then she realized that she would not last long. The situation with Shanti once once more showed how important the help of the father of the child is in an emergency.
“Of course, it’s normal that in intensive care you cling to your baby and endure everything. But when I threw up from a panic attack, I mightn’t control it! We often blame everything on one, and then they humiliate you, how badly you are holding yourself together, are you a mother or where? What questions for dad? It’s normal to give yourself a wash, sleep off, ”concluded the young performer, quoted by StarHit.
Source: StarHit
Photo source: © Komsomolskaya Pravda / GlobalLookPress
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