Beware of the Fake Police Call Scam: Stay Alert and Protect Your Accounts – Vaud Police Issues Warning

2023-07-07 16:52:50


Fake police call scam alert

People receive phone calls telling them that thugs have usurped their identity. The goal is to make them download software to plunder their accounts.

PostedJuly 7, 2023, 6:52 PM

It’s not a real policeman on the other end of the line.

Vaud Police/Twitter

The Vaudois police posted a message on Twitter this Friday to warn of a new scam. People receive a phone call from a Swiss number and supposedly from the police or the justice system. The false policeman or judge explains that individuals have usurped the identity of the victim, according to several possible scenarios: bank accounts opened under his name, license plates taken under his name or even capture of a car registered in his name. and full of drugs.

This is something to be scared of! And that is the goal since a panicked person loses his vigilance. But why do this? Because the scammer, who even went so far as to give his false registration, will then ask the victim to go to his computer to do some checks and install software. Which obviously will be used by the thug to empty the victim’s accounts.

The advice of the police in the face of these kinds of calls: stay calm, breathe and hang up. And then call the police (with the real number in case of doubt).

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