2023-07-08 03:20:00
Last week we presented our UNCo University Extension project “Energy efficiency in homes in a Neuquén neighborhood”, whose main objective is the construction of citizen science on this important issue in conjunction with the community of the Cumelén neighborhood of the city of Neuquen.
The energy efficiency of homes has multiple benefits for the inhabitants. Not only the savings in bills that are paid month by month, but also better living conditions and a longer useful life of the homes. At the global society level, it reduces energy consumption and allows better protection of the environment, by mitigating the effects of climate change, building a more sustainable development model at the local level.
The presentation of the project in the Unco.
The project to be developed in Cumelén is made up of a director, a co-director, teachers, graduates, non-teachers, and students from UNCo.
Its counterparts are the Neighborhood Society of the neighborhood and the NGO Colectivo Ambiente Patagonia. The project has endorsements from the Professional Colleges of Engineers, Architects, Environmental Professionals and Technicians, all from the Province of Neuquén, and also from the Neuquén City Ombudsman’s Office.
The representatives of said institutions and also current deputies and councilors interested in the future development of public policies on Energy Efficiency were present at the presentation (or sent their adhesion).
The project lasts one year, and has already completed its first internal stage of work. In the near future, the surveys of the selected homes and the diagnoses of the energy behavior of each of the buildings will begin to culminate with the realization of the specific Improvement Plans that will be worked on jointly with the owners of the audited properties.
In the last stage there will be a return of the results obtained and training for the neighborhood community.
Project Theoretical Framework
Eco-efficiency: “is the creation of goods and services to satisfy human needs without causing damage to the environment.”
Its fundamental aspects are:
a) Reduction in material intensity of goods and services;
b) Reduction in energy intensity of goods and services;
c) Reduced dispersion of contaminants;
d) Greater recyclability;
e) Optimum use of renewable resources;
f) Increase in the useful life of products;
g) Greater intensity of services.
The concept of Eco-efficiency responds to generating the smallest possible Carbon Footprint in order to achieve a possibility of sustainable life.
Energy Efficiency and Climate Change
In recent years, Energy Efficiency in buildings and constructions has become more important throughout the world due to the process of Climate Change.
The activity is a great generator of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs) and is also a great consumer of energy. – (item that in turn leads the world ranking of these emissions) -.
Fuente: 2022 Global Status Report for buildings and construction, towards a zero emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector. United NAtions Environment Programme
2015-21 – Comparison of Global Building Climate Tracker with Reference Route
Fuente: 2022 Global Status Report for buildings and construction, towards a zero emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector. United NAtions Environment Programme
As can be seen in 2021, the last year reported in the graph, the real GHG reduction curve for this activity is at its lowest historical point (-9.0) compared to the theoretical curve projected for Decarbonization in the indicated period.
Project Tools
In this Extension Project 3 types of tools are used:
a) Home Labeling Software
b) Comprehensive electricity consumption calculator
c) Additional energy use and consumption form
The first of them allows evaluating the Energy Performance of a home, obtaining its label category.
Labeling and Certification of Energy Performance constitute one of the Recommendations of the International Energy Agency (IEA) for the development of Public Policies on Energy Efficiency.
The Home Energy Efficiency Labeling System used combines the analysis and interaction of Passive Systems with traditional Assets and Renewable Energies.
EPI (Energy Performance Index) (kwh / m2 year)
By definition it is the “characteristic value of the dwelling that represents the primary energy requirement that the normal use of the same would have, during one year and per square meter of surface, to satisfy the needs of heating in winter, cooling in summer, production domestic hot water and lighting”.
Classes of Energy Efficiency Labels
In the housing label (similar to the one currently used for electric and gas appliances) the IPE is expressed in ranges defined by categories, from A (the best in green) to G (the worst in red).
The second and third tools used allow obtaining interesting data that complements those of the Labeling Program.
From the analysis of the information of the results obtained, a Diagnosis of the energy behavior of the house is carried out and an Improvement Plan is proposed that is worked together with the neighbors of each home that has been surveyed.
From there, it is possible to know how the label would improve – (and with it the Energy Efficiency of the home) – if some or all of the proposed improvements were made.
According to the European Union, improvements can be grouped into 4 categories:
⦁ No cost but they give benefits
⦁ Simple and economical (with payback in 1 year)
⦁ Investments (with payback of 1 to 3 years)
⦁ Maximum savings investments (with investment recovery from 3 to 15 years)
Although in order to reach labels A and B it is very likely that the incorporation of Sustainable Active Systems is required, – which for homes in Argentina requires a significant investment and a long-term amortization of it -, improvements can be obtained important in their energy behavior with works that are not of great magnitude and also with changes in the behavior of use and energy consumption of those who inhabit the buildings.
Economic savings in service bills, longer useful life of its infrastructures and equipment, and improvement of habitability conditions are some of the benefits for the inhabitants of the houses.
While for society in general the most important thing is the reduction in energy consumption and with it also in the production to generate that necessary energy. This contributes to the mitigation of climate change due to the reduction of GHG emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, contributing to building a more sustainable development model.
*Master in Environmental Risk Management, Architect. UNCo Teacher
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