UAE’s Commitment to Diplomacy and Non-Proliferation in the Face of Regional Challenges

2023-07-07 22:07:16

The UAE affirmed its commitment to continuing to call for dialogue and diplomacy. To ensure the use of nuclear programs for peaceful purposes only, and stressed keenness to encourage peaceful and diplomatic solutions in the face of regional and international challenges.

This came in a statement during the Security Council meeting on non-proliferation (implementation of Resolution 2231), delivered by Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, before the Security Council, and published by the Permanent Mission of the State to the United Nations on its website.

Her Excellency affirmed the UAE’s continued call for easing tensions, improving diplomatic relations, and increasing economic cooperation in the region, in support of this trend and achieving more regional stability.

She said, “We appreciate the diplomatic communication that is necessary to dispel concerns surrounding Iran’s nuclear program, and also to pave the way towards reaching a solution that contributes to building the required confidence, and guarantees the peaceful and exclusive nature of all Iranian nuclear activities.”

She added, “There are two essential elements for ensuring regional and global nuclear security: the first is the importance of strict and timely compliance with international obligations, including commitments related to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the second is the need for full cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.”

It commended the Agency’s tireless efforts in monitoring and verifying Iran’s nuclear activities, and noted the importance of the Agency’s detailed reports and commitment to transparency.

And she continued, “We remain deeply concerned regarding Iran’s gradual cessation of its nuclear-related obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action since May 2019, which has not only led to its complete cessation of implementation of those obligations, including measures related to transparency and the Additional Protocol, but also to escalation.” alarmingly.”

And she added: “Iran’s estimated stockpile of enriched uranium exceeded the permissible limit by more than 20 times, according to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. in the plan.”

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