2023-07-08 01:14:16
Staff from a school in the El Mirador area, in Traslasierra, was surprised this Thursday by the unusual presence of a jaguarundi that was later rescued by the Rural Patrol.
As published by the Panaholma News site, the cat entered Ipem 384, located on Provincial Route 15 KM 93.
Surprise in a school in Córdoba: a jaguarundí appeared
Meanwhile, Marta Nievas, a teacher at the institution, told Cba24n that “the animal entered through the corridor that connects the shelter with the school, it was very scared, it passed the entire patio while we were at recess and wanted to leave but found a grate and mightn’t “.
Surprise in Traslasierra: a jaguarundi was rescued in a school (Courtesy of Panaholma Noticias).
“The boys saw it and got scared and even wanted to grab it when I warned them not to because it wasn’t a common cat,” he added.
The school authorities called the Rural Patrol that was present at the scene and with the help of the Police managed to rescue the animal.
It was transferred to the Tatu Carreta Establishment and it is expected that in the next few days it will be reinserted in its natural habitat.
About the yaguarundí
Also called “Moorish cat”, “guina” or “huina” it belongs to the Felidae family.
It is one of the four species of wild cats that inhabit the Cordoba soil, along with the puma, the wild cat and the cat of the pajonales.
“Its body is long and slender with short limbs and a long tail, a small head and short, rough fur that can vary from brown to uniform black,” the Environmental Police explained in a publication.
“It feeds on small mammals and birds, and can also hunt reptiles and amphibians,” he adds.
Despite the fact that the conservation status of this species is of “least concern” worldwide, in Córdoba it is classified as a “vulnerable” breed.
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