Crimes against Humanity: Convictions and Acquittals in Megacause III Trial

2023-07-07 23:49:00

-Jorge Antonio Olivera: perpetual for unlawful aggravated deprivation of liberty, two facts. Torment aggravated two facts. Doubly aggravated homicide for 5 facts in real competition.

-Daniel Rolando Gómez: perpetual responsible co-author abusive deprivation of liberty aggravated a fact. Unlawful deprivation of liberty a fact. Torment aggravated by two facts. Doubly aggravated homicide for 5 facts in real competition.

-Eduardo Daniel Cardoso: perpetual responsible co-author allusive deprivation aggravated by a fact, illegitimate deprivation of liberty aggravated by a fact. Torment aggravated by two facts and doubly aggravated homicide by 5 facts in real competition.

-Juan Francisco del Torchio: life imprisonment. Co-author responsible for the crimes of aggravated illegitimate deprivation of liberty 1 fact. Aggravated torments 1 fact. Doubly aggravated homicide 5 facts in real contest.

-Miguel Ángel Mejías: life imprisonment responsible co-author, aggravated abusive prison 1 fact. Illegitimate deprivation of liberty aggravated a fact. Aggravated torments 2 facts. Homicide doubly aggravated by an act. Integral illicit association all in real contest.

-Juan Carlos Coronel: life imprisonment responsible co-author. Doubly aggravated homicide for 5 facts. Abusive deprivation of liberty aggravated by a fact. Abusive deprivation aggravated by a fact. All conjugated in real contest.

-Carlos Yannello: life imprisonment responsible co-author. Doubly aggravated homicide for 13 facts. Aggravated torment and illegitimate deprivation of aggravated severity to the detriment of 50 people. Aggravated rape two acts and aggravated sexual abuse one act, robbery two acts; in actual contest.

-Carlos Ángel Castro: acquitted

-Horacio Antonio Estrada: acquitted

-Araldo Alfredo Medina: 7 years unlawful deprivation of liberty aggravated two facts. Torment aggravated two facts; in actual contest.

-Eduardo Ernesto Traverso: 6 years. Illegal aggravated deprivation of liberty to the detriment of two people. Torment aggravated by being a political persecutor to the detriment of 2 people.

-Gustavo Adolfo Lafuente: acquitted

-Ricardo Claudio Kaliciñski: acquitted

-Marcelo Edgardo López: 10 yearss for the crimes of abusive deprivation of liberty aggravated to the detriment of 4 people. Abusive deprivation of liberty due to threats for a fact. Aggravated torments 5 facts. Illicit association; in actual contest.

-Miguel Ángel Berguñan: acquitted

-Jorge Manuel Laiseca 5 yearsTorment aggravated by being a political persecutor to the detriment of a person.

-Eusebio Jurczyszyn: 12 years old, responsible co-author abusive deprivation of aggravated liberty. Aggravated torments 11 facts. Illicit association.

-Juan Carlos Turon: 4 years, abusive deprivation of liberty aggravated by a fact. Absolve for the rest of the crimes.

-Andrés Walter Alderete: 8 years and 6 months, aggravated torture to the detriment of 5 people. Abusive deprivation of liberty aggravated by a fact. Abusive deprivation of liberty due to aggravated threats 4 facts.

-Felipe Pedro Molina: 9 years old, abusive deprivation of liberty aggravated by a fact. Torment aggravated by a fact. Unlawful deprivation of liberty for a fact. Illicit association as a member.

-Ruben Jose Mondaca: 7 years for abusive deprivation of aggravated liberty 1 fact. Torment aggravated by the condition of political persecutor to the detriment of two people. In actual contest.

-Norberto José Trigo: acquitted

-Carlos Alberto Ola: acquitted for lack of prosecution

The full bug:

Judgment Cars FMZ 54004613-1976-TO2 and accumulated.pdf


Prior to the reading of the opinion by the federal judges Paula Marisi, Alberto Carelli y Gretel Diamantesome of the accused had the opportunity to pronounce their last words and for this reason Jorge Antonio Olivera took advantage of the occasion to highlight the work of his defense throughout the trial that lasted more than 4 years.


Paula Marisi, Alberto Carelli and Gretel Diamante, the judges of the court

“Thank the technical defense, Dr. Esteban Chervin, Dr. Diego Giocoli, Dr. Sergio Herrero and Dr. Deamonde, Mendoza’s official defender, for the brilliant work carried out during this very long trial. Nothing more, Mr. President Good followingnoon,” said the repressor who has already been convicted of crimes once morest humanity and faces a new sentence for it.

For his part, Horacio Antonio Estrada, who might receive 10 years in prison, was called to the stand but refrained from speaking.


In the foreground, Chervin, one of the defendants’ defenders highlighted by Olivera

Finally, the judges of the court decided to dictate a fourth intermission until 5:30 p.m. to begin the reading of the ruling of Megacause III that investigated unlawful deprivation of liberty, torture, forced disappearances, and crimes once morest sexual integrity.

federal prosecutor Dante Vega requested -during the allegations- life imprisonment for former prosecutor Juan Carlos Yannello (indicted for concealing 78 crimes) and former police officer Miguel Angel Mejias. He also requested the maximum sentence for the ex-military members of the so-called Patota del RIM 22, made up of Gustavo Ramon De Marchi; Jorge Antonio Olivera; Daniel Rolando Gomez; Eduardo Daniel Cardoso; Juan Francisco del Torchio y Juan Carlos Colonel.


The file accumulates six cases and includes events suffered by 150 victims, of which 22 are missing and 6 were executed in the context of a case known as ‘Executions’. Although initially there were 35 defendants, in the criminal proceedings there were two who were ruled out and the rest did not continue due to death or disabling illnesses.


Crimes once morest humanity were committed in the province, from 1974 to 1983, and those who would receive the punishment were considered throughout the debate -with various testimonies- as the main responsible for the repression in those years.


#court #decided



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