A volcano on the Moon? Scientists find remains of a strange substance on the surface of the natural satellite – FayerWayer

2023-07-07 22:11:17

Despite being very close to our planet, the Moon continues to hide multiple mysteries that are waiting to be discovered. The composition of its surface and the phenomena that occur on it is one of many. And a strange substance detected suggests the presence of volcanic activity in this rocky body.

A volcano on the Moon? Perhaps more than one, according to scientific research by a team from Southern Methodist University and the Planetary Science Institute.

According to the portal Science Alert the experts would have found a giant mass buried deeply, of solidified magma, which would have been deposited on the Moon shortly following its formation, 3,500 million years ago. The experts detail that the element found is the batholith.

A geological structure formed by a large mass of intrusive igneous rock that has solidified in the earth’s crust is known by this name. It is mainly composed of granite or other similar rocks. Batholiths are bodies of magmatic rock that form below the Earth’s surface when magma rises and cools slowly in the crust, without actually emerging as volcanoes.

They are important as they represent massive magma intrusions that have taken place in the geological past. These structures can be exposed on the surface due to erosion and tectonic uplift, which allows their study and analysis by geologists. In addition, batholiths are often associated with the formation of mountain belts and may play a significant role in shaping and evolving the Earth’s crust.

For it to develop the way it was found, water and plate tectonics are needed, two elements that until now have not been found on the Moon. So, his discovery leaves experts in the field surprised.

“What we found was that one of these suspected volcanoes, known as Compton-Belkovich, was absolutely glowing at microwave wavelengths. What this means is that it is hot, not necessarily on the surface, as it would be seen in the infrared, but below the surface,” said Matthew Siegler of the aforementioned study house.

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