Senegal Invest Forum: Macky Sall Calls for Qualitative and Fair Partnerships

2023-07-07 20:03:03

Dakar, July 7 (APS) – The daily newspapers which reached the Senegalese Press Agency on Friday are interested in the appeal launched the day before by the Head of State to investors while elaborating on the future retirement of Macky Sall less than a week following announcing his decision not to seek re-election in 2024.

At the Senegal invest forum, Macky Sall ”calls for qualitative and fair partnerships”, reports Le Soleil. ”To allow African countries to access more resources to finance their development, the Senegalese Head of State invites partners to have a fair perception of the risk of investment on the continent. Macky Sall also calls on businessmen to form a consortium,” writes the newspaper.

Talking regarding this meeting organized by APIX, L’Info shows on the front page: ”Senegal flirts with investors”.

”Any investor can come and do his business in Senegal, where there is no risk. This is the assurance given yesterday by the Head of State at the opening of the Invest in Senegal Forum, on the initiative of Apix. For Macky Sall, peace and security are the first factors to be taken into account for investments, which is why his government strives to guarantee them and will continue to do so. Also, the President of the Republic has denounced the lax behavior in our administrations and called for their banishment, as they constitute obstacles to the smooth running of business”, indicates the newspaper.

EnQuête notes that ”it is a liberated, relaxed, reassuring and very smiling Macky Sall who was yesterday at Diamniadio, for the opening of the Invest in Senegal forum”.

”In a very open and cash style, he also wanted to remind all investors from here and elsewhere of the new paradigms of partnership with Africa”, according to the publication.

“Our partners must also understand that now it is also free competition in Africa. You have to bear in mind that you are going to a hunting ground, where there are other hunters. There is no longer a monopoly. We governments must make the effort to be attractive and to be able to attract investors, but those who also come must understand that the conquered lands are over,” said the head of the ‘State.

Bës Bi notes that to ”promote friendly investment in Senegal, Macky Sall opts for best practices”.

”President Macky Sall launched yesterday the opening of the first Invest in Senegal edition. This meeting of businessmen is an opportunity to discuss prospects, investment priorities and the structural transformation of Senegal. President Sall reassured investors on the various reforms undertaken for a viable and attractive business environment,” reports the publication.

What life for Macky Sall following the presidency? Le Quotidien reports that following his departure from the presidency of the Republic, “Macky Sall does not intend to do like his predecessors. The Head of State promises to stay in Senegal following the February 2024 elections and to be at the disposal of his successor if the latter needs his advice.

WalfQuotidien evokes “the golden retirement” which awaits Macky Sall following 12 years of presidency.

”President Macky Sall will not be bored! Even leaving the presidency of the Republic, he will live under the golden paneling of power. A privilege taken from decree number 2013-125 which he himself had signed. According to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic, apart from the monthly salary of 10 million CFA francs, former presidents benefit from health insurance extended to their spouses in addition to two vehicles, a landline telephone, a housing and upholstery,” the newspaper explains.

“Concerning housing in the event that the former president waives it, he receives in compensation an indemnity of a net monthly amount of 4,500,000 CFA francs. Still in terms of privileges for former presidents, the State of Senegal also covers up to 40,000,000 CFA francs per year, the cost of their plane tickets as well as their spouses”, adds Walf.


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