Top Differentiators for the Cloud Wars Top 10

2023-07-06 11:29:00

This is the second in a series of previews from the Acceleration Economy Course featuring C-suite practitioner analysts replicating the dynamic of executives discussing, debating, and defining the vendor selection process in the context of the Cloud Wars Top 10 listing of the largest and most customer-focused cloud providers.

This episode is sponsored by Acceleration Economy’s “Cloud Wars Top 10 Course,” which explains how Bob Evans builds and updates the Cloud Wars Top 10 ranking, as well as how C-suite executives use the list to inform strategic cloud purchase decisions. The course is available today.

In this preview, Acceleration Economy Co-founder John Siefert asks Cloud Wars Founder and Acceleration Economy Co-founder Bob Evans to expand on the process he uses to select the Cloud Wars Top 10 companies. He asks Bob to identify what differentiates a Top 10 Cloud Wars company from competitors and the advice he would give CEOs of these companies.

The executive buying committee for the Cloud Wars Top 10 course includes:

Acceleration Economy’s Tom Smith serves as moderator of the discussion


00:32 — John summarizes some of the criteria Bob uses to define a Cloud Wars Top 10 company. These include the CEO’s vision, the company’s level of innovation, and its impact on customers.

00:49 — About two years ago, Bob added artificial intelligence (AI) to these criteria to align with where the world was headed.

01:13 — John asks Bob to identify the top two to three things that differentiate each Cloud Wars Top 10 company and the top innovation each brings to the market.

01:45 — Finally, John asks Bob what he would say to the executive leader of a Top 10 Cloud Wars company if he were on a call with them.

Other course segments cover:

The criteria used to select and rank the Top 10 companies CXO executive buying committee on why and how they use the Cloud Wars Top 10Why Celonis is on the Cloud Wars Top 10 Horizon

You can purchase the full course today for only $199. An unlimited user license is available for $2,499.

#Top #Differentiators #Cloud #Wars #Top



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