The post-Malabo roadmap discussed in Casablanca – Today Morocco

2023-07-06 13:00:58

Coordination of the detailed program for the development of agriculture in Africa

Sustainability of food systems: Morocco congratulates the Commission of the African Union for the good conduct of the exercise of the biennial reviews which placed Morocco in second place among African countries which are making a considerable effort to achieve the Malabo objectives.

The kick-off of the coordination meeting of the comprehensive program for the development of agriculture in Africa (CAADP) was given Wednesday in Casablanca. This is indeed the second meeting of its kind following the one held last March in Nairobi during which consultations were initiated with a view to preparing the post-Malabo roadmap. Thus, all the partners who support the African Union and its member countries are currently in conclave in the metropolis to reflect on the acceleration of the transformation of agricultural and food systems for the African continent. The occasion is also for Morocco to reiterate its commitments in favor of sustainable agriculture, which creates prosperity. “Morocco has placed the accelerated growth and transformation of agriculture for shared prosperity and better living conditions for its citizens at the heart of its new development model adopted in 2021 by 2035”, indicates in this sense. Said Fekrouch, head of the international cooperation division within the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests.

The objectives of the Malabo declaration respected in Morocco

The participants in the meeting inquired regarding the various measures undertaken at the national level for more than two decades. Let us quote in this sense the strategic visions having transformed the agricultural sector like “Al Jayl Al Akhdar” and “Forest of Morocco” operational until 2030. To this are added the fisheries strategy as well as ” Tamkin” economic empowerment program for women and girls in Morocco. So many mechanisms that tend to improve the resilience and sustainability of food systems, in line with the 2063 agenda and in accordance with the objectives of the Malabo declaration. “Morocco’s strong commitment to sustainable and competitive agriculture is reflected in the progress made to achieve the objectives of the Malabo declaration”, notes the representative of the supervisory authority.

And to continue: “In this respect, we congratulate the African Union Commission for the good conduct of the exercise of the biennial reviews which have placed Morocco in second place among African countries which are making a considerable effort to achieve the objectives of Malabo and at the forefront in terms of resilience to climate change. The new approach adopted and the support provided by experts from the African Union and the RECs have enabled national stakeholders to appropriate the instrument and show a desire to succeed in the process”. At a time when the Kingdom is demonstrating its commitment to implementing the provisions of the Malabo declaration set for 2025, other countries are struggling to meet the objectives set.

This is confirmed by Godfrey Bahiigwa, Director of Agriculture and Rural Development at the African Union Commission. “We have two years left to complete the Malabo declaration and our Member States are far from having achieved the seven commitments set out in Malabo”, he said. And to continue: “We will discuss during this meeting our action to support the Member States for this remaining period, and this on the basis of the priority areas defined during the March meeting”.

What the guardianship recommends

Adopted at the 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly in June 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods in Africa is primarily aimed at transforming the agriculture sector in the continent to make it a key enabler of sustainable development.

Despite the efforts made, Morocco believes that avenues for improvement should be taken into consideration within the framework of the Post-Malabo Agenda. The purpose being “to better assess certain indicators and translate all the efforts made by the countries while taking into account the specificities of each country and each regional grouping in this very important exercise”.

Morocco recommends in this regard to put in place new innovative solutions and initiatives with a view to meeting the challenges of the development of value chains, adaptation to climate change, water management and the health security of foodstuffs. This involves pooling the efforts of all stakeholders (countries, organizations and technical and financial partners), creating synergies to accelerate and finalize the commitments of the Malabo declaration for the period 2023-2025 as well as to develop a clear roadmap for the Post Malabo Agenda.

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