Rise of Multi-Owner Secondary Residences: Insights and Trends

2023-07-06 19:08:00

Nearly 1.2 million Belgians are multi-owners. The number of citizens who own several properties is increasing every year. What is their “profile” and where do they usually buy?

Beaches, sun and lower prices. The preferred destination for Belgians for second residences abroad is Spain. Anne’s choice last year was guided by several criteria. “There was the climate, the distance and then there was the cost of living”, she confides.

200,000 Belgians own property abroad. Last year we saw a 30% increase in mortgage loans for the purchase of a second residence outside our borders. “There is a way to become an owner from 200 to 250,000 euros by the sea in Spain. It is still possible here, whereas these prices have long since disappeared on the Belgian coast or on the French coast”, says David Zapico, a real estate agent.

Nine out of ten credits relate to purchases from us. The Ardennes are gaining in popularity, unlike the Belgian coast. Purchases of second goods fell by 33% last year. Nearly 1.2 million taxpayers own more than one property in Belgium or abroad. But 65% of these secondary properties are for rental. “A second residence does not always mean having an apartment by the sea or having a chalet in the Ardennes. This includes all people who are multi-owners and who have at least two properties. of his house or his apartment, and of an investment apartment. It can also be the fact of being two, in a couple, and of having together two or three goods”explains notary Renaud Grégoire.

One out of two multi-owners is over 55 years old. On the other hand, only 3% of those under 35 own several properties. With rising mortgage rates, activity is expected to decline this year.

multi-owner secondary residence
#million #Belgians #home #buy



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