Controversy Surrounding Major General M’henna Djebbar: Algerian Army Promotions and Failures

2023-07-06 09:49:30

On July 5, 2023, Major General M’henna Djebbar sparked controversy and controversy due to his notable absence among the high-ranking figures of the Algerian Army who were promoted to new and rewarding ranks. Several rumors have circulated regarding the non-distinction of M’henna Djebbar. The latter was also promised a great future and despite his advanced age, more than 75 years old, he had to finally access the key post of coordinator of all the Algerian secret services, namely the head of the intelligence services, a vacant post. since May 2019 when the former head of the Algerian secret services resulting from the restructuring of the ex-DRS, the famous General Bachir Tartag, was imprisoned in the military prison of Blida by the late Ahmed Gaid Salah, former Chief of Staff of the Algerian Army, in a violent offensive led once morest all the decision-makers of the Bouteflika system.

But this July 5, 2023 saw the collapse of all the hopes and ambitions of M’henna Djebbar. Neither promotion to the head of the services nor a new rank, that of general of the army, was granted and attributed to him. For what ? Because it was blocked and sabotaged by a jealous and suspicious Said Chengriha? This public rumor is in truth a fantasy because the real explanation is on the side of the successive failures of M’henna Djebbar since his arrival at the head of the General Directorate of Documentation and External Security (DDSE); Algerian foreign intelligence. In September 2023, when M’henna Djebbar took the reins of the DDSE, Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Chengriha, head of the Army, set him two essential missions: to neutralize the relays of the opposition abroad and, above all, to reduce the influence of Morocco in the countries bordering Algeria. However, precisely for this last mission, M’henna Djebbar might not offer anything to Tebboune and Chengriha. because he simply won nothing on the intelligence front once morest the “Moroccan enemy”.

In Mali, M’henna Djebbar tried everything to seduce the Malian colonels and persuade them to maintain a distance vis-à-vis Morocco “servant of the West and friend of the imperialists”. No results were reaped since Moroccan economic and political interests were not frozen or threatened by Malian leaders who refused to give in to the siren songs of Algiers. Morocco has maintained, even increased, its rapprochement with many Malian political actors and its economic investments have taken on a scale that worries its Algerian neighbour. In Libya, M’henna Djebbar’s strategy also failed since it was also a question of breaking the lobbies favorable to Morocco in Libya. No success since at the end of 2022, the leaders of the Libyan factions, in particular the speaker of the Libyan parliament, Aguila Saleh, and the president of the Libyan High Council of State, Khaled Al-Michri, met in Morocco to conduct exchanges aimed at reviving dialogue and to find a political solution to the conflict which has persisted in their country for a decade.

Putting Moroccan diplomats and services out of play in Libya turned out to be a sad misadventure for M’henna Djebbar’s teams. The latter had not, however, stopped sending emissaries or traveling himself to Niger, Mauritania and elsewhere in the region to suggest that local leaders stop flirting with Morocco in order to build relations only privileged with Algeria. No notable successes and the leaders of the neighboring countries did not revise their relations with Morocco and the Moroccan services continued to weave their spider web around an Algeria feeling increasingly stifled or threatened.

But Said Chengriha might not contain his anger once morest good old M’henna following the failure of the Algerian services to obtain detailed information on the weapons obtained by Morocco from Israeli or American partners. No report from the Algerian DDSE has been able to anticipate the deliveries of sophisticated weapons from the United States to Morocco and no report has also been able to alert the General Staff of the Algerian Army to the substantial military aid granted by the United Arab Emirates in Morocco. It was all these poor performances that convinced Tebboune and Chengriha not to place too much trust in the person of M’henna Djebbar, whose mythical legend maintained for many decades hardly seems to find any echo in the implacable reality of the field.

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