Student Saves $28,000 by Commuting by Plane for University

2023-07-06 09:40:00

Three times per week


In view of the exorbitant rental prices, he decided on this idea.

A student causes a stir with an unconventional method: Instead of paying high rent for an apartment near the University of Berkeley, he commutes by plane between Los Angeles and San Francisco three times a week. Bill S., was accepted into the elite university’s one-year masters program in engineering. Given the exorbitant rents averaging $3,358 per month around Berkeley, he settled on this idea.

Made a whopping plus

In an interview with broadcaster KTLA, Bill S. explained: “I live at home for free and had quite a few frequent flyer miles with two airlines. That’s why I decided to try commuting.” From August 2022 until its successful completion in May 2023, it flew a total of 238 times. He skilfully planned his courses so that he only had to be present on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. In the morning he used the earliest flight between 5 and 6 a.m. to be at his first lecture at 10 a.m. on time. In the evenings he always chose the cheapest connection to return to Los Angeles.

The amazing result: The student saved a total of $28,000. He only spent $2,434 and 576,000 frequent flyer miles on United Airlines and Alaska Airlines for the flights. In addition, he paid $671 for the commuter train ride from the San Francisco airport to Berkeley and $2,468 for parking and gas in Los Angeles.

The bottom line is that this extraordinary commute cost Bill S. $5,592 — a good $28,000 less than what he would have had to pay for rent.

#Student #flies #university #time

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