Unearthing Zombie Viruses: Discover 8 Ancient Microbes Frozen in Permafrost

2023-07-06 06:01:42

Frequently, due to global warming, scientists discover a world teeming with ancient microbes frozen in prehistoric layers of permafrost. Today we invite you to discover 8 of these zombie viruses that existed thousands of years ago.

8. Pithovirus sibericum

Pithovirus sibericum is one of the largest viruses ever discovered. Measuring regarding 1.5 micrometers long, it is the size of a small bacterium. He is part of a group called “giant viruses”. It has an oval shape, a thick wall, an opening at one end and is capped with a cork structure and a grid in the form of a honeycomb. Scientists have discovered it in a core of ancient Siberian permafrost in Kolyma, in the Russian Far East. They named it following the Greek term “pithos”, in reference to the amphoras used by the ancient Greeks to store wine and food. They published the results of their study in the journal PNASin 2014.

Read also Global warming causes mountain top to collapse in the Alps

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