Repression and Human Rights Violations in Iran: Uncovering the Truth through UN Fact-Finding Mission

2023-07-05 19:38:00


The death of an Iranian woman made headlines for months. Repression continues, reveals a UN fact-finding mission.

The Iranian regime shies away from transparency: local journalists are under pressure and many are in prison. Foreign journalists are only admitted with the dropper.

«Fact mission purely politically motivated»

The mullahs refuse to cooperate with the human rights authorities of the United Nations (UNO). The UN Human Rights Council’s newly created fact-finding mission was not even granted access to the country.

The fact that the UN mission even exists is “purely politically motivated and unacceptable,” complained the representative of Iran, Kazem Gharib Abadi, Secretary General of the Iranian Human Rights Council.

It seemed completely cynical when he asserted in the UN Human Rights Council that it was “the exclusive task of a state to protect and promote human rights”.

Execution machine is running at full speed

Instead, Tehran has been hurting her ever more blatantly since protests erupted once morest the killing of 22-year-old Jina Mahsa Amini. The Iranian execution machine is in full swing. Hundreds of people have been killed since January.

Add to this the arbitrary arrests of tens of thousands, sexual violence, torture and ill-treatment. More and more people were simply disappeared by the security forces, reports Sara Hossain, head of the UN fact-finding mission.

Confessions would be forced and women who spoke critically would be thrown out of the universities. Shops that do not strictly enforce the dress code will have to close. Hossain complains that it is not surprising that under these circumstances the relatives of the young woman’s relatives are completely disregarded for justice.

The fear of women

No one involved in the killing will be tried; indeed, no corresponding procedures have even been initiated. Jina Mahsa Amini’s alleged crime consisted solely of violating the dress and veil code.

Iran’s rulers apparently fear the women’s uprising more than any previous protest – and are acting with the utmost unscrupulousness and brutality. And they claim that the women are not peaceful at all, but armed terrorists.

Caption: Women praying in a mosque in Tehran. Asgaripour

They are also repeating an argument that oppressive regimes always use when they encounter resistance in their own country: the West is behind it as the mastermind.

The discussion in the UN Human Rights Council was hateful and yet somehow sterile: Authoritarian regimes stood firmly behind Iran. Often on the grounds that the UNO takes a close look in some cases, like this one, but doesn’t care regarding human rights violations in western countries.

Pressure on Tehran’s government eases

Democratic states have sharply criticized the Iranian leadership and called on them to stop human rights violations. In addition, Tehran should finally cooperate with the UN fact-finding mission.

The fact is, however, as the head of the UNO mission, Sara Hossein, emphasized, that the protests in Iran have largely disappeared from the international news.

Which means: Iran’s women are on their own. All the more so now that Western pressure on the Tehran regime is easing because some are still hoping somehow to save the nuclear deal with Iran.

#Repression #Iran #Iranian #mullahs #fear #women #News



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