New generation Linky meters: a low level of exposure to waves | handles

2023-05-11 07:30:14

Comparable exposures to other household electronic devices

The CSTB and the ANFR carried out new measurements of exposure to the electromagnetic fields emitted by the third generation Linky meters (known as “G3”), installed from 2017. The results show that the emission of communication signals on the electrical network can vary greatly depending on the time of day. In practice, although the total daily duration of emissions from Linky meters may be higher than anticipated before their deployment, the levels of exposure to the electromagnetic fields emitted remain very low and well below the regulatory limit values. These exposure levels remain comparable to those emitted by household electrical or electronic devices such as multimedia device chargers or induction hobs.

Exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by the optional ERL modules (Linky radio transmitter) has also been characterized: it is very low, much lower than that of a Wi-Fi box, for example.

These new data confirm the results of ANSES’s expert appraisal previously carried out. Indeed, in 2017, the Agency had concluded that it was very unlikely that exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by smart meters could cause short or long-term health effects.

Better anticipate exposure to connected objects

The Agency notes that the deployment of smart meters comes at a time when connected objects are multiplying for various applications: connected watches, security and comfort systems for housing, etc. In this changing environment, the question of the overall exposure of people to electromagnetic fields should be anticipated and systematized. Also, the‘ANSES recommends that the development of these connected objects should now be accompanied by the definition of methods and tools specific to characterizing people’s exposure. The levels and implications of the accumulation of fields emitted by these objects could thus be studied.

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