Discover How Others Perceive You: Take Our Test to Find Out!

2023-07-05 13:15:00

What do other people think of you?

Every day we encounter a variety of people. We form our own impression of them and guess what they thought of us. Unfortunately, new acquaintances do not always like us, and for many people, this realization becomes torture. Evaluation of others, no doubt, is very important, but psychologists do not recommend overly obsessing over it. After all, there are several billion people on the planet, it would be strange if they all had the same feelings for each other. There are many psychological techniques that help to cope with feelings due to a negative assessment. For example, compare yourself … with a blot. Psychologist Roger Kovin from Ottawa suggested remembering at such moments the popular Rorschach test, when a person is shown images of ink blots and asked to tell what they look like. According to the expert, just like in the blot test, what people around us see in us largely characterizes them. In addition, we know that we like people who are similar to us. Perhaps the fact that someone did not like you is actually a compliment for you?

Take our test and find out how others perceive you.

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