Menopause: Dealing with Symptoms and Finding Relief

2023-07-05 13:20:00

Menopause: How to deal with it

Your gynecologist is the first point of contact for menopausal symptoms. First all complaints discussed with you. It’s important to also address symptoms that you don’t directly associate with menopause, such as sweating, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, mood swings, and joint pain. It’s equally important, too unpleasant discomfort to address, such as urinary incontinence or pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

On the subject: Frequent urges to urinate during menopause: What women can do >>

Your doctor will then Levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone determine. However, these values ​​are only a guide. It’s possible that women with higher hormone levels may have more symptoms and vice versa. However, the blood test provides a rough idea of ​​the extent to which the hormones have decreased and how high a replacement therapy should be dosed if necessary.

Together you can then therapeutic options talk and weigh the possible risks and benefits. Talking to your doctor will also give you information regarding what you can do yourself to feel better.

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