2023-07-05 10:48:01
General News17:33, 2023-07-05
Ministry of Public Health revealed that the situation of dengue fever continued to increase Found 27,000 patients, 3 times higher than last year, 23 deaths, patients starting to be higher than the 5-year median, warning even if you have been sick still sick and symptoms may become more severe It’s best to prevent mosquito bites.
Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health (Sor.) said following a meeting with senior executives of the Ministry of Public Health that the Department of Disease Control reported the situation of dengue fever and found that the number of patients has increased dramatically in the year 2013 from week 1-25. Accumulated 27,377 dengue fever cases, morbidity rate of 41.37 per 100,000 population, 23 deaths, mortality rate of 0.08%.
However, compared to the same period last year, 9,736 patients were found, the sickness rate was 17.46 per 100,000 population, 7 deaths, the mortality rate was 0.09%, so the number of patients in 2013 was 3 times higher and there was a tendency to see more patients. higher than the median over the past 5 years where cumulative deaths Found both children and adults.
Dr. Opas continued that for cases where it is believed that once he was sick with dengue hemorrhagic fever If sick once more, the symptoms are not that severe. Not all facts Since there are 4 strains of the dengue virus that causes dengue fever, each year the outbreak strains may differ. In the first infection, the symptoms may not be very severe. But the second infection may be more severe in all strains. Especially if it is a different infection from the first time.
The dengue fever vaccine It is not currently used as a primary prophylaxis. Although in the experiment it works well in some species. which when vaccinating in some people who have been infected before It will be like a second infection or a person who has never had dengue and then vaccinated. when infected with dengue fever may cause severe symptoms
Therefore, the best way is to prevent mosquito bites. together with the destruction of mosquito larvae breeding sites by instructing all health districts to supervise and monitor surveillance Continuous prevention and control of disease especially in areas where dengue fever patients are found Patient deaths and nearby areas which the Royal Volunteer General Administrative Center has notified through the Ministry of Interior All provinces are asked to organize activities to destroy mosquito larvae breeding sites in communities, temples and religious places where high mosquito larvae index values are found. and to allow the local government organization (LAO) to support resources
for the people Please use 3 measures to prevent 3 diseases: 1. Keep the house clear. 2. Collect garbage and container debris that may be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and 3. Keep the water completely covered, cover the container lid, or change the water every 7 days or let the fish eat the larvae. or add sand to kill mosquito larvae
This can prevent 3 diseases, including 1. Dengue fever 2. Fever, joint pain, mosquito bites and 3. Zika fever, including preventing mosquito bites. By wearing cover-up clothing, sleeping under a mosquito net, and using mosquito coils. or apply mosquito repellent
By InfoQuest News Agency (05 July 2023)
Tags: Ministry of Public Health, Aedes aegypti, Opas Karkawinpong, dengue fever
#Dengue #fever #patients #soaring #thousand #people #Symptoms #severe #InfoQuest