Work continues in the north of Neuquén and there is optimism despite the rains: “We are more relieved”

2023-07-04 21:45:00

Although the rainfall fell once more with intensity in the north of Neuquén, affected last week by a storm that caused historic floods, roadblocks and isolated towns, the situation in the area It has gradually improved in recent days.

«we are more relieved“, mentioned the Secretary of Government of Chos Malal, Juan Carlos Olavewho in dialogue with Diario RÍO NEGRO, specified that in the capital city of the provincial north evacuees are no longer registered and that currently, the works are focused in the recovery of the water supply.

In mid-June, a good part of the province, but especially the upper basin of the Neuquén River, received rains above normalwhich caused flooding in most of the watercourses in the region, with serious consequences for the towns and families located in the riparian zones.

In the valleys, and despite the efforts of the reservoirs that regulate the flow downstream, the river advanced along the coast and flooded inhabited areas of towns such as Sauzal Bonito, San Patricio del Chañar, Vista Alegre and Cipolletti.

In the north of Neuquén, the consequences were not minor and just this week, little by little, the situation began to normalize, as Olave commented to this medium. “We no longer have evacuees and for the moment, the last rains brought us no problemsthey concentrated on high mountains, which is normal for this time,” he explained.

The Chosmalense official explained that, although most of the services have already been restored, work continues in the capital city of northern Neuquéns to re-establish the water supply for all neighborhoods. With the flood unleashed days ago, the main intake of the town was flooded, and since then, out of service.

«EPAS and Municipality staff are workingWe believe that in the next few days it should already be solved”, Olave anticipated and added: “The problems began when the river overcame the defense of the water intake and everything was flooded.«.

In addition, the Secretary of Government, in charge of the local Civil Defense area, mentioned the advance of the channel also caused problems in the irrigation canals of the sector, which remained in some cases «destroyed“, as he commented to this newspaper.

The flooding of the Neuquén River put the city intake out of service. Photo: Courtesy Juan Carlos Olave.

Optimism in the north of Neuquén despite the rains: “People are returning to their homes”

On the other hand, Olave indicated that the population affected by the storm «is coming home» to begin cleaning and repair work. «Some houses are inhabited but not because they are in good conditions, but because the families decided to return anyway“he added.

Although he recognized that the immediate panorama following the rains «it was bleak» In Chos Malal and the north of Neuquén, the situation today is favorable and although the area received rainfall once more, is did not cause significant flooding in watercourses,

«We are optimistic, we currently have no closed routes and most of the towns in the area are returning to normal“, the official reported.

Regarding the weather forecast for the rest of winter, he explained that from the local municipality “We are permanently attentive» to the AIC reports, although he stressed that they do not expect, in the short term, another event like the one unleashed in the middle of last month.

#Work #continues #north #Neuquén #optimism #rains #relieved



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