2023-07-04 01:01:08
The story revolves around Ángel Medina, who had lost his job following the death of his son in 2020 in Mexico and created a humble resume that quickly went viral on social media. From there, several offers came to him in the midst of the tragedy that he experienced.
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The man from Sonora wrote his CV in a handwritten form on a simple sheet of a notebook and in this way he displayed it in various places in Hermosillo. “I am looking for work on the ranch. I have experience handling cattle, I also know how to groom, signal, milk, make cheese and tame foals, ”he began to write.
Later, he left his full name, his age (44 years old), his cell phone and the clarification at the end called attention to be taken into account by a future employer: “No bad vices.”
He lost his job following his son’s death, handwritten a humble resume and landed more than 30 offers.
Despite the fact that it was a poster by hand, which had several misspellings, it reached the cell phones of different users on social networks who did not hesitate to give it a hand. Thanks to the diffusion, Medina received more than 30 job opportunities to get ahead following the sad loss of her family.
Got job following hand drawing resume
The Sonora media spoke with Ángel, who said that he did not have the money to print this document, but preferred to go ahead to get a job in the most humble way.
He lost his job following his son’s death, handwritten a humble resume and landed more than 30 offers.
“One thinks that things like this are going to look bad, but the truth is that they are not. Sometimes things go wrong, but then the good things come. That’s how it happened to me,” added the protagonist. In addition, he decided on one of the 30 offers and began to attend a local business in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Among the reactions of other Twitter users, several stood out: “This is called wanting to work and get ahead”, “Wanting is power! Ángel Medina decided to draw up his CV by hand and posted it in various public spaces in Sonora”.
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