This animal is the most dangerous to humans

2023-06-28 18:38:02

Are there more and more mosquitoes in France?

In recent years, mosquitoes seem to be more numerous in France. “The fault of the tiger mosquito, an invasive species, which has found refuge in many regions and is developing there at high speed”, explains entomologist Anna-Bella Failloux, director of the Arboviruses and Insect Vectors (AIV) laboratory at the Institut Pasteur. Result ? A boom in nuisance (bites, nights spent chasing the bug that stalks us into bed…), but also the risk of epidemics, because the tiger mosquito is a vector of certain viruses (Zika, dengue fever, chikungunya… .). And climate change shouldn’t help matters: “The higher the temperatures, the faster these insects will pass from the larva stage to the adult stage. There will be more and more of them and they will gradually spread to new territories in the metropolis”notes the specialist.

What is the most dangerous animal for humans?

It’s the mosquito! And for good reason: it can transmit deadly diseases (malaria, yellow fever, etc.), the cause of more than 700,000 deaths worldwide each year.

Are tiger mosquitoes more ferocious than others?

No, but as they are very numerous and attack both day and night, you quickly feel harassed.

Are there mosquito skins?

It would seem so. Several factors make us more or less attractive to mosquitoes. These are linked to genetics, the composition of the skin microbiota, diet… We are also more appetizing during pregnancy, when we have drunk alcohol or if we sweat!

In mosquitoes, only the females bite.

True, the blood provides them with energy to lay (between 40 and 300 eggs per laying). Males feed on flower nectar.

Do mosquitoes bite animals?

It is often believed that mosquitoes only attack humans. It is totally false. On the 3,600 species of mosquitoes recorded, nearly half feed mainly on the blood of birds and only 200 species prefer human blood.

Are mosquitoes good for the planet?

Yes, since they participate in pollination (essential for life) but are also food for other animals (fish, frogs, dragonflies…). Without mosquitoes, no fish, frogs, dragonflies and it ripples from predator to predator. The moral of the story ? You have to learn to live with mosquitoes.

Can a mosquito bite cause a fever?

Yes. Every summer, viral mini-epidemics occur in mainland France. “It still concerns few people, but there were 10 times more cases of dengue fever in 2022 than in the ten years preceding”, warns Anna-Bella Failloux. In question, indigenous contaminations: a tiger mosquito bites a person returning from a trip who has contracted zika, dengue fever or chikungunya, and transmits the virus to someone who has not traveled to a risk area. The disease manifests itself following a few days with a flu-like illness, fever, fatigue, joint pain… or even more serious, especially in pregnant women. If in doubt, we consult.

Read also:

How to effectively repel mosquitoes? 8 mosquito repellent plants
#animal #dangerous #humans



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