Creating a Positive Online Space: Louis Morissette’s Decision to Focus on Professional Content and Tackle Cyberbullying

2023-07-02 20:13:00

Several artists are currently decrying, loud and clear, the climate of tension that reigns on social networks. Many people have to contend with hateful comments and stupidity as they post positive content to their followers.

The situation described seems to be that of Louis Morissette, who made a difficult decision regarding his social networks.

He explains that he will now only publish professional content and will refrain from publishing more personal content or opinions.

He explains: I tried to keep this wall open. I sincerely believed that there might be valid exchanges on the basis of disagreement. There have been, but they’re inundated with people writing dozens and dozens of tasteless posts (one person made it to 100). I tolerated disagreement with what I said, I don’t care regarding ‘te yinque un criss de cave’, I live with the idea of ​​subsidies even though most industries are. I just can’t stand insulting people who share my point of view, or bringing it back to my in-laws. My opinions are mine alone.

This wall will once once more become a public page where I will only talk regarding my professional projects. Because when you get out of this frame, things get out of hand.

Peace ☮️ »

You also have to remember that the people who are behind their screens, celebrities or not, are all sensitive humans. Nuance and respect remain in order at all times.

We congratulate Louis Morissette for putting his foot down in this difficult context, even if his more personal publications will be missed.

Note that we can find Louis Morissette, this fall, at the helm of the second season of Game Master. Details on this long-awaited second installment are here. Phil Roy, who will play in the 2nd season, also told us regarding the start of filming here.

Louis Morissette is also working on writing a third season of Turnwith Éric Bruneau who was discussing this project here.

#Louis #Morissette #tough #decision #social #media #explains



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