The Dangers of Lightning Diets and the Solution for Sustainable Weight Loss

2023-07-02 08:19:00

So-called lightning or crash diets promise a high weight loss in a very short time. However, the first thing the body “gets rid of” on such a diet is not fat, but water stored in the body. Carbohydrate and protein stores are tapped next, followed by fat stores later.

During a radical diet, the body adapts to the reduced energy supply and switches to starvation metabolism in order to be able to draw on the body’s own reserves for as long as possible, the South Tyrolean consumer center informs in a press release. “The weight loss that the scales show following just a few days has little to do with the desired reduction in fat deposits,” emphasizes Silke Raffeiner, the nutritional expert at the South Tyrolean Consumer Center. “By adapting to hunger and losing muscle mass, the basal metabolic rate also decreases during the diet, which means that the body uses less energy at rest than before the diet.”

Even following the end of the lightning diet, the resting energy consumption is still reduced for a while. If you return to your old eating habits, your body weight will very often increase once more and the next diet seems inevitable. This ebb and flow of body weight during recurring diets is known as the yo-yo effect.

This effect can be avoided by losing weight slowly and gently. It is recommended that you lose no more than half a pound to a full pound a week. Correspondingly more time must be planned before reaching the desired weight. Losing half a pound of body fat per week requires cutting off regarding 3,500 calories per week, or 500 calories per day. This can be done in a healthy way with a low-energy, wholesome diet. Low-calorie, high-fiber, and nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products are preferred. Fats are only used sparingly, this also applies to the preparation of food. Calorie bombs and sugary drinks are avoided. In addition, more physical activity is recommended. This supports weight loss and helps maintain muscle mass.

Thanks to the slower weight loss, the yo-yo effect can be avoided, and new, healthier behaviors are practiced with the energy-reduced, wholesome diet. If you manage to integrate some of these new habits into everyday life following the end of the weight loss phase, there is a high probability that the lower weight will actually be maintained.

#lose #weight #successfully #lightning #diet



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