???? Francis Galton – Definition and Explanations

2023-07-02 06:34:54


Francis Galton
Biography Birth February 16, 1822 in Sparkbrook Death January 17, 1911 in Haslemere Nationality United Kingdom modify

Sir Francis Galton (February 16, 1822, Sparkbrook, near Birmingham – January 17, 1911, Haslemere, Surrey) was a man. of science (Science (Latin scientia, “knowledge”) is, according to the dictionary…) British. He was an anthropologist, explorer, geographer, inventor, meteorologist, proto-geneticist, psychometrician and statistician. He is among others founder of differential or comparative psychology, he also systematically set up the method of identifying individuals by fingerprints He was knighted in 1909 and received the Copley medal (The Copley medal is an award in the field of science. It is the …), awarded by the Royal Society. He is also considered the founder (The Founder (original title: Founding Father) is a science fiction short story by Isaac…) regarding eugenics.


Cousin of Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin (February 12, 1809 – April 19, 1882) was a…) and raised in a family of wealthy intellectuals (his grandfather was a member of the Royal Society), Francis Galton did not, however, no brilliant studies at the university (A university is an institution of higher education whose objective is the…) and if he attached his name to statistics (A statistic is, at first sight, a number calculated regarding a sample….) and to psychology, he was above all (The whole understood as the set of what exists is often interpreted as the world or…) a jack-of-all-trades intuitive. Passionate explorer, he obtained a first consecration as a geographer, was sufficiently interested in meteorology (meteorology has as its object the study of atmospheric phenomena…) to bequeath to us the word “anticyclone” and invented the sleeping bag. . From 1865, he devoted himself to statistics with the aim of quantifying the physical, psychological and behavioral characteristics of man, as well as their evolution.

If Darwin stated his laws of evolution in a context (The context of an event includes the circumstances and conditions surrounding it; the…) independent of any reflection on the calculation of probabilities, his theories ensured the triumph of a probabilistic description of the world (The word world can designate:), parallel to the statistical physics (Statistical physics aims to explain the behavior and the evolution of systems…) of Maxwell and Boltzmann. It was Francis Galton who made the link between the theory (The word theory comes from the Greek word theorein, which means “to contemplate, observe,…) of natural selection (In biology, natural selection is one of the mechanisms that guide evolution…) and research (Scientific research designates in the first place all the actions undertaken with a view to…) mathematical (Mathematics constitutes a field of abstract knowledge constructed using.. .), devoting a large part of his activity (The term activity can designate a profession.) to the defense of the theory of evolution, by proposing to show that it allows predictions likely to be verified.

His studies focus on the transmission of hereditary characteristics, such as height, and his most important contribution is to correctly explain the concept of correlation, in other words the way in which the law of probability (In probability theory and in statistics, a law of probability described…) of a random variable (A random variable is a function defined on the set of…) depends on the assumed fixed value of another variable (In mathematics and logic, a variable is represented by a random symbol. His works on differential psychology are included in this perspective.

To his mathematical contributions, Galton adds great talents as an organizer and populariser, animated there too by the same obsession: the systematic search for a scientific selection (A scientist is a person who devotes himself to the study of a science or science and who…) of the elite of humanity (or rather of the United Kingdom). As such, he is considered, with his disciple (We call disciple (Latin discipulus, the pupil) the one who follows the teaching of a…) Karl Pearson, with whom he founded a journal devoted to this study ( Biometrika), as the founder of a British biometric and eugenics school with often disturbing motivations.

Galton also remained famous for his method of composite photography. This consists of merging into a single image a multiplicity of individual shots, in sight (Sight is the sense that allows observation and analysis of the environment by reception and…) to arrive at a generic image to isolate a typical physiognomy. This is how he came to propose the standard portrait of different members of the same family, but also that of the criminal, or even the syphilitic. This technique is considered an ancestor of current morphing procedures.

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