3 Must-Try Slide Exercises for Toned Legs: Skating, Lunges, and Burpees

2023-07-01 16:00:03

These 3 slide exercises ensure tight legs

1. skating

Die skating exercise is the basic exercise in the slider workout. You move across the board as if you were inline skating. File use the power of your legs to slide from left to right. Support your arms on your hips, they must not be used for swinging. Keep your torso upright while skating.

2. Lunges

For Lunges stand hip-width apart in front of the board or on the slider pads. Now slide your right foot backwards while bending your knees at the same time. The left leg stays on the floor and forms a 90 degree angle. Touch the floor with your right knee while keeping your torso straight and your shoulders and hips forward. Then slide your right leg back to the starting position while standing up. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

3. Burpees

For the Burpees stand hip-width apart on the board or slider pads and get into the plank position. Instead of jumping backwards like regular burpees, your feet stay firmly on the pad or board, allowing you to slide into position. Then, pull your legs back toward your chest, straighten your torso, and stretch your arms toward the ceiling. The jump that would normally follow is left out in the slider workout because of the risk involved.

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