Kraus-Winkler: Desire for Austria is unbroken!

2023-07-01 12:50:10

The current booking situation promises a good summer

Vienna (OTS/BMAW) – “This summer season has started well. In May there were 8.2 million overnight stays – an increase of 10.3 percent compared to 2019. It is also pleasing that there is great demand for holidays in Austria, especially from our most important home markets, Germany and the Netherlands. Many things clearly show how great the desire to travel is – and this despite inflation. It is important to take this momentum with you into the next few months, because summer in Austria has a lot to offer, from the Austrian lakes to alpine summer and cultural summer offers,” says Secretary of State for Tourism Susanne Kraus-Winkler.

In any case, feedback from the federal states currently paints a positive picture. Everyone is reporting a good to very good booking situation in the summer months. The mood in the companies is also positive – it is expected that the figures for 2019 and 2022 will be reached. In the 2019 summer season there were 78.8 million overnight stays, while in the 2022 summer season there were 77.9 million.

Holidays are an important basic need

The tourism analysis of the Economic Research Institute (WIFO) recently assumed a positive summer season 2023. The ÖHV holiday radar recently said that 52 percent of Austrians spend their holidays in Austria – that’s six percentage points more.

“Especially at the beginning of the summer holidays, the positive forecasts confirm that holidays are a basic human need. It also shows that the price-performance ratio of a holiday in Austria is right for both domestic and foreign guests. Austria as a tourist location thus remains internationally competitive. This is mainly due to the measures taken by the federal government to cushion inflation,” says Kraus-Winkler.

In May 2023, overnight stays by foreign guests increased by 12.6 percent to 5.1 million compared to 2019. Domestic guests accounted for a total of 3.1 million overnight stays in May 2023 – an increase of 6.7 percent compared to 2019.

Questions & contact:

Federal Ministry of Labor and Economy
Andrea Gesierich, MA
Spokeswoman for the Secretary of State for Tourism
+43 1 71100 6300-43

Federal Ministry of Labor and Economy
Press Department – Economy

#KrausWinkler #Desire #Austria #unbroken



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