Rumor Debunked: Gala Caldirola Clarifies the Truth Behind New Romance Speculations

2023-07-01 15:13:05

By Martín Toro July 1, 2023 at 11:13 a.m.

The Spanish model Gala Caldirola sparked new romance rumors following uploading an Instagram post on the beach next to Cesar Ghia. She wrote a tender message for the young man on his birthday.

“There are connections that cannot be explained, they are only felt! You came into my life to fill it with laughter, light and joy! I feel blessed to have you as a friend! And light as chosen uncle! Today is your day! Happy birthday to you who deserve to be happy always! You are a wonderful person! There are no limits for you! I adore you,” she commented.

“So that people understand”

People began to speculate as a result of this image and message, for which they had already named it the new partner of Gala Caldirola. However, this is far from reality, according to the same ex-reality girl, who came out to deny the rumor in her Instagram stories.

She was next to César, inserted an image from a portal that picked up the rumor, and said “I just want you to speak so that people understand”, and her video partner added briefly: “I’m gay”, which aroused laughter of those present.

“I can get to pee laughing, it’s the second time they put a gay friend on my girlfriend,” wrote Gal Caldirola.

#Gala #Caldirola #clarify #rumors #partner #Publimetro #Chile



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